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(A rough sketch of Berrie^^)

Pike curled up with Rosályn and Berrie. The feline had her long tail curled over their heads, her chin resting on Pike's side and her front legs stretched over across Rosályn. She purred happily, the tip of her tail flicking. Lance slept on the edge of the bed. Keith smiled at all of them, folding the laundry.

Lance abruptly jerked and Keith instantly tossed aside the shirt and rushed to him. "Lance?"

The blue paladin blinked several times, head lifted up. He then narrowed his eyes in a glare at the pillow. "This thing was suffocating me."

Keith couldn't help the smile that broke out on his face, shortly followed by a soft laugh. He kissed Lance's cheek. "Wanna help me fold?"

"Mm... Sure."

Lance pushed himself up, careful of the three beside him once Keith pointed them out. Once seated at the foot of the bed, Lance grabbed Keith's hips and pulled him back.

Keith gasped, laughing as he fell right into Lance's lap. "Stop it, jerk!" He grinned, twisting slightly and tilting his head to look at Lance. The blue paladin hummed and pressed his lips to Keith's.

"It's good to finally have you back." Keith whispered after they broke apart.

Lance breathed deeply, rubbing up and down Keith's sides. "It's nice to hold you in my arms again." He tilted his head down, kissing Keith's shoulder. Keith sighed and relaxed, eyes fluttering shut. "I love you, Keith."

Keith smiled. "I love you, too... But we need to get the laundry done."

The blue paladin chuckled, shaking his head. "Alright."

He reached over and helped Keith fold, but kept the shorter paladin in his lap.

Keith smiled all the while, perking up curiously as their door opened. He smiled. "Aneira! It's been a while!"

Aneira grinned, then tilted her ears to the side. "Where are the little ones?"

Lance gestured over his shoulder. "Sleeping, still."

The Galran purred softly and nodded, trotting over and sitting on the floor, helping them fold. She purred, her tail flicking back and forth happily, ears perked. She watched the couple, her purr becoming deeper.

Lance stopped folding in favor of wrapping his arms around Keith's middle and resting his head on Keith's shoulder. He hummed a soft tune, eyes closed and he swayed gently with Keith.

Aneira sighed with a smile. "You two are the sweetest couple..." She murmured.

Keith beamed, smile widening.

The Galran watched fondly as the couple cuddled and folded clothes.


Aneira sang in her native tongue, swaying with Rosályn. Keith sat on the couch, playing with Pike and Berrie as he listened to the Galran woman.

Abruptly, the castle shook and groaned, the lights flickering. Aneira and Keith looked up, blinking a few times.

Pike curiously looked around, letting go of Berrie's tail.

The Galran flicked her tail. "I'll go see what that was. I'm sure it was nothing, so stay here."

Keith nodded, drawing Pike into his lap. "Alright. Don't be too long. Lay Rosie down on your way, will you?"

Aneira nodded, stepping out.

The red paladin sighed softly, running his fingers through Pike's dark, curly hair. Pike hummed, giggling as Berrie nuzzled him. "Pretty kitty!"

Keith smiled, then blinked as several clicks sounded. He looked up, frowning and brows slowly drawn together.

He gasped as the air vents snapped and whirred softly. Keith set Pike down to continue playing with the Biladi as he searched the room.

It didn't take long for him to notice a silvery-violet mist pouring into the room. Keith's eyes widened and snapped back to look at Pike.

Pike swayed, eyes fluttering and head bobbing as he fought a sudden wave of exhaust. Keith rushed over as Pike fell back, completely unconscious.

"Shit!" He hissed, Berrie on alert from Keith's sudden distress. She seemed unaffected by the mist.

Keith ran to a door and slammed on it, struggling to open it. "No... No!" He gasped, running to the other doors. "Locked! All are locked! How!?"

Drowsiness started seeping into Keith's head and limbs. He blinked rapidly, stumbling back to the sofa where he laid Pike. He panted, fighting to keep his eyes open.

The mist now made the entire room foggy and unclear. Keith gasped as his knees gave out and he hit the ground.

Berrie gently nudged him, meowing softly, ears turned back. She snapped her head up as one of the doors opened.

The fur on her back stood on end and her tail bushes out, her black, violently sharp and long claws gleaming in the foggy light as he ears pressed flat and threatening against her head.

Keith weakly pushed himself up, groaning with effort as he pulled himself to Pike.

Berrie hissed and growled as boots thumped against the floor, coming closer.

The red paladin clenched his jaw. "Pike... Pike..." He reached to the baby, sight fading in and out.

He cried weakly, a heavy boot slamming down on his ankle. "I can't believe the Prince actually wishes to have you." A deep, gruff voice muttered in disdain, then yelped as Berrie roared and launched herself up at him.

Once free, Keith scrambled to Pike, grabbing onto him and holding him close. He fell at the foot of the sofa, watching through blurry eyes as Berrie fought off Keith's attacker.


Berrie latched her jaws onto the Galran's throat, claws digging in to his face and armor. She shrieked and flailed as a blast rang out from across the room. Keith jumped, eyes widening as the Biladi fell to the floor.
"No!" He cried, tears burning his eyes ans making it even harder to see.

However, he could still see and hear what happened next.

The Galran sneered, lip curling and nose scrunching in disgust at the writhing animal at his foot. "Disgusting pest." He hissed. "Nice shot, Gern." He grumbled raising his boot.

Keith's breath hitched, his heart pounding. "No... No..." He whimpered, unable to move from how weak the mist made him.

The boot came down hard and slow. Keith trembled, stomach churning at the weak cries and sickening crunches.

"Berrie...!" Keith sobbed. "Berrie!" He tried to cry out for her.

With a twist and a snap, the sounds stopped. Keith gasped, chest tight and gut cold. He twitched, lip trembling. He wanted so desperately to crawl to his Biladi. To hold her. Make sure she'll be okay.

He couldn't move. Drowsiness was taking over.

Keith didn't even hear what the Galran muttered as the mist finally stole his consciousness.


1092 words

Oh Lord, what have I done?

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