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Lance slept peacefully on their shared bed. Keith up beside him, feeding Rosályn. Berrie rested at the foot of the bed, purring softly with the tip of her tail flicking back and forth.

Keith hummed softly, pulling the empty bottle from Rosályn. She whined for a moment, but then continued to look around, sucking on her bottom lip.

"You need to get to sleep, baby girl." Keith whispered, brushing his thumb over her cheek. Rosályn looked up at him. "Daddy's asleep, so you need to sleep, too... What do you want to say first? Say, daddy." Rosályn stared, slowly pushing her little fist into her mouth. "Daddy... Papa... Dada... Nope." Keith sighed as Rosályn gnawed on her fingers, big, dark eyes studying Keith. "You're two months old, so I guess it'll be a while before you can say anything, huh?"

Rosályn cooed around her fingers, curling her legs up. Keith lifted her up to kiss her forehead, then lay her on his chest so her head would rest on his shoulder. He tugged her blanket around her, patting her back. "Just get some sleep, baby girl."


"Da-da... Dada, sweetie. Can you say it? Da-da." Keith prounced, holding Rosályn up. Her shoulders pushed up her chubby cheeks, her fingers from her right hand stuffed in her mouth as her legs curled up beneath her.

Keith sighed, setting her down on his lap. "Rosie... I'm probably a terrible mom. Stare if I am."

Rosályn blinked, but otherwise kept her eyes on Keith's face. Keith huffed. "I knew it..." He pet her hair back, keeping her supported with his other hand. Rosályn cooed at the fond touch, her fingers slipping from between her gums. Keith hummed. "I'm trying to get you two talk and you're not even ten weeks, yet. You started smiling early, so maybe... I don't know. Maybe I'm hoping for too much."

The infant stared, then tried to looked behind her as the door opened.

"How's my two favorite people!?" Lance grinned as he walked in, arms open wide.

Rosályn squealed and kicked, absolutely giddy as Keith reluctantly let Lance scoop her up. She snatched her father's shirt and nuzzled into him, squeaking excitedly. "I love you, too, my little princess!" Lance laughed, rubbing his cheek against her head. He then paused and frowned as he noticed Keith's expression.

Lance sat on the edge of the bed, adjusting to hold Rosályn with one hand so he could hold Keith's in the other. "What's the matter?" He asked, Keith glancing away.

"Just... I'm pretty sure I'm a terrible mom."

"Keith..." Lance sighed, reaching up to place his palm on Keith's cheek. "Mi cariño, you are not in the least bit a terrible mom. You're a wonderful mother."

Keith shook his head, leaning into Lance's touch. "She never gets excited to see me. She doesn't smile because of me, and I'm trying to get her to talk. She's ten weeks old and I'm already expecting so much out of her."

The blue paladin smiled, leaning forward to kiss Keith, mindful of Rosályn. "Keith, that doesn't make you a bad mom. Rosie is probably just a daddy's girl. Aren't you, honey?" Rosályn cooed, grabbing at Lance's nose with her wet fingers as he peeked down at her. "Yeah you are. Stop worrying, Keith. At least she doesn't scream and cry when you hold her." He mused. "Rosie will talk at some point. You're just helping her there."

"Yeah?" Keith relaxed with a relieved sigh. He leaned forward, resting his head on Lance's shoulder.

Rosályn looked up at Keith, her fingers in his mouth again. She squeaked and bounced, patting her hand on Lance's chest as she reached for Keith. Keith smiled at her and a big grin split her face. Rosályn gurgled joyfully, managing to curl her fingers in Keith's hair.


Rosályn slept peacefully on the sofa in the lounge, pillows tucked around her from every which angle.

Pidge yawned, leaning on one of the pillows. She was supposed to watch her to give Lance and Keith some 'well deserved' time off.

"Whatever. Bet you twenty bucks your parents are actually getting at it, right now." The green paladin huffed, looking up at the infant. Pidge then scooted down to lay. "Or maybe catching up on sleep. Either of those. There is no way it's in between. Well, I guess maybe they could do both, but why when they could do one the whole time? Sleep is superior to sex, I'd say, and I think sleep is for the weak."


759 words

Sleep is for the weak

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