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Lance stared down at Keith, gulping. "I... I-I thought... Do you really...? O-or are you saying this because of what the others said? What'd they say!? I told you that you don't have to listen-"

"Lance, Lance, stop!" Keith covered Lance's mouth with his hand. He shook his head. "No, Lance. Well, yes, but no. I know I don't have to listen to them, but Pidge... Well, you... I love you, too, Lance." Keith pulled his hand away from Lance's mouth. "You've been miserable. You're tearing yourself apart. I-I don't want that, and it hurts more knowing I'm the cause of it!"

"But I-"

"No- let me finish!" Keith released Lance's hand and took a step back as well as a deep breath. "You doing this... Putting up with me while also doing what I said I wanted and fighting in a war... I'm sorry... I'm making things difficult and I... I hurt you."

The blue paladin reached out to Keith. "Keith, it's what you wanted... I was doing what you wanted... It's what you want, so don't stop because of me, Keith."

Keith shook his head. "Lance." He breathed in slowly, then wrapped his arms around Lance's middle. Lance hesitated. "As I told you, I've been thinking. I thought about you... And I thought about the baby. I thought about the war and how little happiness we have... Lance, I... I became happy when I pictured a future with a baby. Our baby. I became happy when I thought how you would make an amazing father. I became happy when names suddenly started pouring into my head, and I became happy when I thought of us... Us, as a family, Lance. You, me, and..." He pulled back slightly and looked down, placing a hand over his flat abdomen. "And this baby."

The red paladin looked up to meet Lance's wide eyes with a small smile. "I want this baby, Lance. I want us to be a family... I was scared, at first. I was scared of family because I'm not used to family... But just the thought of us as a family makes me so happy... So happy, Lance."

Emotions whirled in Lance's eyes and across his expressions before he broke out into a grin with tears still in his eyes. He threw his arms around Keith and yanked him back in. "A family! A family, a family, Keith! We can be a family- we're going to be a family!" Lance squeezed Keith so tightly, Keith thought he might burst. "I love you, Keith! I love you so, so much, you have no idea!" He pulled back, but then ducked down and eagerly crushed his lips to Keith's.

As Lance pulled back, his grin returned and his eyes sparkled. "A family!"

Keith laughed softly, raising a hand to flatten over Lance's damp cheek. "Our family, Lance."

Lance nodded rapidly, squeezing Keith's waist. "Our family. Our family."


"How excited do you think Lance was to tell Keith the news?" Pidge muttered, looking Slav's instructions.

Hunk sighed, observing the blue prints for the pods. "Too excited. I think he just feels like... Like he ruined Keith's life. He wants to make it better while he's breaking himself down for... In his way of thinking- 'doing such a cruel thing.'"

Pidge angrily slammed the tablet down. "Accidents aren't cruel! Even baby-making accidents!"

The pilot of the yellow lion shrugged with a deep breath. "I know, but try telling that to Lance after the love of his life started screaming that he wants the baby gone."

"Love of his life?" Pidge cocked a brow and raised the tablet back up. "They're an official couple?"

"If what's going on doesn't scream official couple, I don't know what does." Hunk muttered, setting the blue prints down to begin on the pod. "Instructions."

The green paladin handed him the tablet. "But love of his life? Have they confessed to each other?"

Hunk shrugged again. "Dunno. If they did a while ago, then Lance would have told me. However, Pidge, you can't tell me that Lance isn't in love with Keith after this. He's destroying himself so Keith can be happy. I'm just... I don't know about Keith."

Pidge sighed softly leaning back. "You know, I did notice something weird about them before we found out. I caught them holding hands sometimes and I'd see their weird looks they gave each other. I thought they did love each other, but Keith... Isn't considering Lance in this. Isn't that what you do when you love someone? Concider their feelings? Concider their opinions and what they want? What makes them happy? I see that on one side, but not so much on the other."

"Yeah." Hunk pried a panel off the back. "Maybe it's just because he's scared." Pidge raised her head. "Keith's had it tough with family. Maybe he'll come around."

The shorter pilot snorted. "Yeah. Maybe after the baby's gone."

Hunk hummed. "Maybe... You never know."

"I know. Keith is stubborn, like me. A little more hot-headed, though." She grumbled, separating tools and adjusting her jacket. "Well... I guess I don't know... Being pregnant can change a person."

The yellow paladin snorted. "You'd know this, how?"

Pidge grinned. "Expanded family." She mused. "Lots of aunts and an uncle that were pregnant in my time."


"Don't ask. It's too long of a story with no short version that I can think of.


Shiro sighed softly, staring out at the distant stars and planets. He tapped his finger on his knee, just thinking about whatever came to his mind. The black paladin began to hum as he began to wonder about Lance and Keith.

The door to the bridge opened, but he was unfazed. "Princess?"


The older pilot leapt up and pivoted sharply. "Keith!" He grinned and trotted over. "Hey, buddy. How're you feeling?"

"Uhm..." Keith rubbed his arms, glancing down. "Well, uh... Better. I feel better." He nodded and didn't pull away as Shiro placed his hand on Keith's shoulder.

"Good. That-that's good." Shiro assured, taking a small step closer.

Keith looked back up to Shiro. "Thanks... For not trying to convince me to keep it."

Shiro blinked, then offered a weak smile. "I just wanted my teammate back, bud." He ruffled Keith's hair. "I support you no matter what choice you make, even if I don't like it."

"So..." Keith trailed, biting his lip. "So you wouldn't mind being an uncle?"

The black paladin's eyes shot wide open as he jolted back at the sudden question. Keith laughed at the reaction as Shiro stood still in shock.

Shiro opened his mouth to speak, but incoherent noises were all that came out. He grinned and lit up. "You're keeping it!?" He finally managed to shout out, snatching Keith's shoulders. "How!? I mean- when did- who- what was- j-just where did you- w-why- why!?" Shiro sputtered out as Keith laughed even more at him.

Keith nudged Shiro off. "I thought about family... And what you told Lance... About keeping the all happiness you can find out here. I thought about Lance, then I thought about the baby. I was happy, Shiro. So, so happy."

The black paladin quickly embraced Keith. "That's so great, Keith! I mean, it'll suck trying to form Voltron, but that's awesome!"

The red paladin smiled and returned the hug a little more gently. "You sound like a six-year-old." He mused. Shiro just shrugged.


1250 words

Hoo-rah!!! As the Arusian King says.

I think.

It's been over a week since I last saw season one.

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