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"I swear, Pidge, I am going to punch you so hard."

Pidge only giggled, poking Keith's swelling belly as she lay on her back beside him on the sofa. "But your tummy is so cute!"

Keith groaned, pushing her hand away. "What did I do to deserve this?"

"You got pregnant four months ago, that's what you did." Pidge muttered, rolling onto her stomach and propping herself up on her elbows.

The red paladin huffed as the stand-in red paladin came into the room, arms stretched above his head. Lance trotted in behind him, absolutely gleaming. "Keith!" He cheered, throwing his arms wide open.

Keith smiled, pushing himself to his feet. He let Lance envelope him tightly, nuzzling into him. "Hmm... How was the mission?"

"Mission!" Lance snorted. "It was a stop by the King followed by a shopping trip. Does that sound like a mission?"

"Not really." Keith mused as he was released and they both sat back on the sofa.

Matthew nudged his sister and sat between her and Keith. "My arm is sore from this lug dragging me every which way into every other shop. Allura did the same thing." Lance sniggered as Pidge elbowed her brother. "Anyway, we got a shit-ton of crap. Most of it was free because we just formed and alliance and we're the Paladins of Voltron."

Keith chuckled. "Sounds like a normal shopping spree." He muttered, unbothered by Lance's shuffling until his head lay in Keith's lap. "What all did you get?"

"Well," Matthew hummed with a gesture towards Keith. "Allura and Lance used my arms as racks for the bags full of baby clothes, baby blankets, baby toys, baby bottles, baby formula, a baby thermometer, baby wipes, weird looking baby diapers, odd baby moniters, baby food, and also some clothes for normal sized people. Oh, wait. They grabbed ingredients and stuff for Hunk, too."

"Gotta get all of it in one go, my man." Lance clicked his tongue and shot one of his finger guns at Matthew with a wink. "Just wish we were on Earth to get the baby stuff there. That stuff I know how to deal with."

"I know." Keith sighed, raking his fingers through Lance's hair. He placed his free hand over his abdomen. "Well, it's great that you got all that stuff anyway. I wouldn't have thought of it."

Lance grinned up at Keith proudly. "I know!"


"I wanna talk to my baby some more!" Lance shouted, falling onto their new bed and scuffling closer. Keith laughed as his waist was squeezed and Lance stuffed his face into Keith's baby bump. "Ooh, my favorite little person! Today was so exhausting! Auntie Allura kicked my ass!" Keith tangled his fingers in Lance's hair, humming contentedly.

Lance sighed, relaxing. "Your mommy is great." Keith scoffed and rolled his eyes. "And know that daddy loves mommy very much."

Keith smiled, stroking Lance's hair back. "And 'mommy' loves daddy." Lance grinned widely, eyes closed as he pressed his face into Keith's belly. "Hey, I thought of more names."

The blue paladin peeked up at Keith. "Oh, yeah? Like what?" He shuffled and scooted until he was comfortably nestled between Keith's legs.

"Well, while I do love Roselyn and Alejándro, I thought we should think of other names just in case, you know?" Lance hummed with a small nod, closing his eyes. "I decided that... I like Pike... For a boy."

A smile spilt Lance's face as he looked up at Keith. "I love it!"

"Really?" Keith bit his lip, both of his hands in Lance's hair. "I also kinda liked Olivia for a girl."

Lance squeezed Keith, nuzzling into his belly. "I love them! I love those names!"

Keith laughed as Lance's fingers brushed against his sides, leaving a soft tickle behind. Lance peeked up and blinked. As a grin crawled up Lance's cheeks, Keith's eyes widened and his face paled. "No. No no n- Lance!"

Keith thrashed and shouted, stifling his laughter with one hand while trying to pry Lance off with the other.

"St-stop!" Keith squealed, snorting just after. Both of them froze, one of Keith's legs over Lance's shoulder, one hand in Lance's hair in an attempt to push him away.

Lance stared up at Keith, eyes wide with wonder as Keith stared at him in horror.

"You..." Lance trailed, eyes sparkling as his smile widened enough to spilt his face, skin crinkling at the corners of his eyes. "You snorted!" He laughed, throwing his arms around Keith. Keith gasped and wiggled in an attempt to free himself. "Dios mio, you snorted! That's the cutest thing I ever heard!"

"Lance- Lance! Get off!"

"Never!" He stuffed his face into Keith's belly. "Your mommy is the cutest!"

"I'm not cute!"


"So..." Pidge mused, sitting beside Lance. "Why is Keith grouchy again?"

Lance shrugged and hummed, taking a bite of his food goo dinner. "I tickled him and called him cute. By the way, did you know that he snorts when he laughs?"

Pidge choked on her nunvil. "He snorts!?" She hissed under his breath with a big grin. "Oh, I have got to hear that!"

The blue paladin waved his hand at her. "Shh! He doesn't want anyone to know! Don't make him angrier." Pidge raised her hands, then went to eating. "But it's so fucking adorable."


Keith was no longer allowed onto the Bridge during any battle. Everyone decided it would be best. They didn't want him to stress himself out and hurt himself or the baby.

Not the being locked in his room helped any. If anything, it made him more anxious. More ready to launch himself out to help in battle.

All Keith could do was pace back and forth, hoping the stand-in red paladin and Lance were okay. Mostly Lance.

Keith groaned, hand on the wall for balance as the castle-ship shook from heavy fire. He worried down on his bottom lip as he lowered himself onto the edge of the bed. "I should be out there..." He muttered, gripping the blanket.

Slowly, Keith trailed his gaze away from,the door and down to his baby bump. His more prominent baby bump. Keith closed his eyes and turned his head away, heart throbbing painfully in his chest.

"If I hadn't kept you... I could be out there."

The red paladin cracked open his eyes, shoulders beginning to shake. "I could be out there... I could be fighting! I could help! I wouldn't be fussed about or scolded for training!"

Keith pulled himself back onto the bed, scooting up to the pillows. He drew his knees up to his chest, eyes welling with tears. Keith wrapped his arms over his baby bump. He breathed deeply, willing his tears not to fall. "I should be out there..."


1136 words

Well, there's that.

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