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Lance sang and danced with Rosályn, a wide grin spread across his face as she squealed and giggled.

Keith watched, Pike clinging to his leg as Berrie lay over his shoulders.

Pike looked around, then up to Keith. "Mommy. Mommy, I 'n' to see ki-ee."

"You want to go see kitty?" Keith leaned over and picked up the toddler.

"Yup. Big, red ki-ee." Pike nodded, petting Keith's hair.

Keith kissed his forehead. "Alright. Tell daddy."

Pike perked up, looking back to Lance. "Daddy! Mommy take me to see ki-ee!"

Lance chuckled, looking over to them. "Alrighty. Tell Red I say hi."



Pike had his fun exploring Red. He crawled over her paws and dashed around in the cockpit.

Keith could have sworn the boy had endless energy. He sat down in the pilot's chair and let Pike crawl up into his lap. "Hey. I have a question for you."

The toddler looked up at him. "Yes, mommy?"

"Do you want a little baby brother or sister?"

Pike's eyes lit up as he grinned. "Yeah! A brother, a brother!"

Keith chuckled, kissing his head. "You want a brother?" Pike nodded rapidly. "Alright. Daddy and I will try our hardest to get you a brother."

The little boy giggled, clapping giddily. "Yay! A brother!"


Aneira purred, growling playfully as she played with Rosályn and Pike. She pounced after them, causing the children to scream and scamper away, giggling all the while.

"I'm gonna get you!" She warned, then pounced again.

Rosályn squealed, leaping up onto the couch.

Lance laughed, helping her crawl up onto the sofa.

Pike wasn't so lucky. He screamed and thrashed as he was swooped up.

"I've caught my prey!" Aneira declared, tightly squeezing the toddler to her chest and playfully nibbling on his hair. Pike kicked and wiggled, but to no avail.

Aneira kissed Pike's head, releasing him as Keith came in, followed by Shiro and Pidge.

Keith chuckled as Pike made a mad dash for him and leapt onto his legs. "There's my baby boy!" Keith grinned once Pike had made sure he was securely wrapped around his mother's leg. "What's going on in here?"

"Annie wants to eat me!" Pike cried, gripping Keith tighter and tighter as Aneira approached.

"As much fun as it is to play, I must return to the blade." Aneira mused, watching the toddler. "I'll miss helping to tuck them in."

Keith hummed, crouching down to pick up his son. "Yeah. That sucks. They like it when you tuck in their blankets. I think they actually fall asleep faster when you purr to them."

Aneira smiled and kissed Pike's forehead. The boy squeaked and buried his face into Keith's neck. She giggled, then turned and waved to Rosályn. "Good-bye, sweet cub." She sang, smiling wider as the five year old grinned and waved back. "Good-bye, Rosie!"

"Bye-bye, Annie!"


Pike fell fast asleep once his head hit the pillow. Keith gently tucked him in, then silently left and peeked into Rosályn's room.

Lance lay on her bed, their five year old curled up against his chest as she told him a story. The blue paladin listened with a smile, eyes closed as he rubbed up and down her back.

Keith smiled, leaning on the door frame as he watched.

"... And they lived happily ever after..."

"The end?" Lance mused in question, peeking down at their daughter.

She giggled, shaking her head. "No! That's not the end, daddy! Their life didn't just stop there."

"It didn't? But that's where the story ends, doesn't it?"

"The story ends, but their life keeps going. So it's not the end. Just happily ever after." Rosályn explained, adjusting her blanket.

Lance hummed and nodded. "I guess so."

Rosályn yawned and sighed, closing her eyes as she nuzzles into the pillow. "Night, daddy."

"Goodnight, mí pequeña princesa." He whispered, kissing her head as he climbed out of her bed.

Keith smiled wider as Lance approached him, biting his lip as Lance's arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him out into the hallways. "How did we end up with such a sweet, smart little girl?" Keith murmured, sliding his arms over Lance's shoulders.

Lance chuckled, leading Keith back to their bedroom. "I dunno. She didn't get it from me."

The red paladin laughed, gasping as Lance picked him up. "Hey-!" Keith squeaked as he was dropped onto their bed, grinning as Lance draped himself over him. He hummed, kisses pressed into his neck as fingers hiked up his shirt.

He couldn't help his excited giggle as Lance yanked off his shirt and kissed all over his chest and down his abdomen. Lance gently bit and sucked on one of Keith's perky, sensitive buds, earning an adorable, hot little moan. Lance grabbed the backs of Keith's thighs and grinded into him, causing Keith to gasp, their hard members pressing together through their barriers.

Lance trailed kisses across Keith's chest, over to his other nipple. Keith shuddered, biting his lip. He arched, moaning deeper as his pants were undone and Lance reached in, grasping his shaft. Keith squirmed and panted as his lover slowly pumped him, biting and sucking on his perky, pink bud.

Keith tugged Lance's shirt off, whining at the momentary loss of touch. Lance pulled Keith's pants off, then slid his hand down. Keith arched, jaw dropping as two fingers pushed inside of him. He mewled as they stretched out, his thighs clenching up. His toes curled as Lance pumped his fingers, curling and stretching them.

The red paladin whimpered, tugging on Lance's hair as a third digit joined.

"A-ah!" He gasped as Lance's fingers curled and twisted, pressing against his more sensitive spots. Lance wiggled his fingers, causing Keith to jolt and squirm, high pitched moaning coming from his smaller lover.

Lance pulled his fingers away and raised himself a little more. "You're so beautiful."

Keith practically purred, fingers kneading into Lance's scalp as the younger unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. His eyes suddenly crossed and rolled as he gasped sharply, arching his back and gripping Lance tighter. He clenched as Lance's hot, hard shaft slowly intruded into him.

Lance kept stopping, torturing the poor red paladin. When he did move, it was at such a slow and agonizing pace. He wasn't even all the way in.

"L-Lance... Please... Please..."

The blue paladin chuckled. "Alright, alright, my love." He mused, pulling Keith's hips up to meet his.

Keith shuddered, jaw agape at how deep Lance got inside of him. His eyes rolled back as they fluttered closed, a soft mewl coming from his throat as Lance began to move.

"I love you..." Lance murmured softly into Keith's ear, sliding his palm into Keith's and weaving their fingers together. "I love you so much..."

"I l-love you... Too..." Keith panted, a high-pitched moan escaping him as Lance rolled in at a different angle. He gripped Lance's hand and his shoulder, biting his lip.

"Did you take the pills?" Lance asked, running his thumb over Keith's knuckle. The smaller paladin shook his head. Lance smiled, caressing Keith's waist. "Good..."


1193 words

About time

And Merry Chrismas!!!

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