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Rosályn decided that she very much liked Aneira. She was definitely her favorite soft person.

She giggled, practically having to run to keep up with Aneira. She clutched her little Weblum close, her blanket hooked over her arm. Rosályn hummed with a smile as she observed the dark hallways.

Aneira laughed at her, then scooped her up. Rosályn squeaked and clung to her, laughing as her cheek was nuzzled. "You are the cutest little cub I have ever seen! I don't even think my little cub was this cute! What is this? A Weblum?" Aneira held up the stuffed animal, not too far from Rosályn's reach.

The little girl nodded. "That's my Bebum."

"Bebum? Is that his name?"


"I like Bebum." Aneira nodded, observing the stuffed toy. "Does he take care of you?"

Rosályn nodded. "Yup! I like to snuggle snuggle Bebum!"

Aneira grinned. "You like to snuggle snuggle Bebum? He looks like the snuggle snuggle type." Rosályn giggled, raising her shoulders and pushing her chubby cheeks up. "Well, we should find Kolivan. Do you know Kolivan?"

"Vanie!" Rosályn squealed, bouncing on Aneira's hip. "Vanie soft and grumpy!"

The woman laughed, kissing the top of her head. "Yes, Vanie is! You sure do know him. Let's go get Vanie so we can get you back to your parents."

Rosályn nodded rapidly, grinning as she looked ahead, waving to the others they passed that also looked soft.

Well, some of them didn't look as soft.


"Vanie!" Rosályn screamed, startling him as well as all the other Galrans in the control room. Aneira set her down and let her dash over to the Blade's leader.

Kolivan picked her up, although incredibly confused. "Rosályn? How did you get here? Aneira?"

The female hummed with a smile, making her way over. "She must have snuck aboard your ship when you visited the paladins." She mused, taking the child as she reached for her.

"Well, clearly, but how did I not notice her?" Kolivan muttered, excusing the other Galrans with a wave of his hand.

Rosályn giggled, waving over Aneira's shoulder to the retreating Galrans. Some of them smiled and waved back.

"I wouldn't know. Maybe you're just getting old."

"I am younger than you, Aneira. By several decapheobes."

Aneira laughed, rubbing Rosályn's back. "Yes, but I feel and seem much younger." She waved a finger at him, looking back down to the child on her hip. "Want to see your parents, sweetie?"

Rosályn looked wide-eyed up to her, breaking out into a big grin. "Yes! Yes yes yes!" She squeaked, bouncing happily.

Kolivan shook his head, typing on the panel. The large screen in front of them flickered then expanded. Rosályn screamed, waving once she spotted all of her aunts, uncles, mommy and daddy. "Mommy!" She squealed, waving. "Dada!"

"Holy shit, Rosályn Olivia McClain!" Lance shouted, startling Rosályn. "We've been looking everywhere for you! How did you- did you follow Kolivan!?"

Rosályn giggled again, reaching for the other Galran. "Vanie!" He took her and held her on his hip. "Follow Vanie!"

"I apologize, paladins. I hadn't seen her or even heard her when I had left." Kolivan bowed his head, letting Rosályn play with his braid.

Allura sighed in relief, massaging Keith's shoulders as he slumped in front of her, completely relieved. "Thank goodness she's alright. Thank you for telling us."

Kolivan nodded. "I will get her to you immediately. Send me your coordinates and I'll be on my way."

"Bye-bye, mommy an' dada!" She giggled and waved to the screen.

Keith smiled and waved back, but Lance was rubbing his face, trying to calm himself down. "Bye-bye, sweetheart. I'll see you soon."

The green flickered and went black again. Rosályn quickly returned her attention to Kolivan's braid as he turned to Aneira.

"Will you come with me? Hold her while I fly a ship to the castle."

Aneira nodded, taking Rosályn. "Of course. I've been wanting to meet the paladins. I wasn't here when you tested the red one."

Kolivan chuckled deeply, tucking Rosályn's blanket around her. She giggled, thanking him. He gently pet her hair back. "That was quite a show."


Rosályn sang, waving her Weblum as she sat in Aneira's lap. Aneira sang with her, Kolivan ignoring them as he piloted the ship.

Aneira looked up as they landed and the large bay doors shut behind them. "Oh! We're home!"

"Home!" Rosályn squealed, wiggling off the Galran's lap. She dashed out of the small ship, shrieking happily as her father came running for her. "Dada! Daddy!"

Lance swooped her up and squeezed her. "Rosályn! Dios mio, Rosie, you can't just leave like that! Oh, Rosie... Rosie, Rosie..."

Rosályn giggled and nuzzled into her father, peeking up as her hair was pet. "Mommy!" She grinned, leaning over Lance's shoulder to hold her arms out to him.

"Baby girl, you scared us." Keith murmured, taking her.

Rosályn hummed, clinging tightly to her mother. "Sorry, mommy... Vanie lef'."

Keith nodded, rubbing her back. "Yes. Thank you, Kolivan. Thank you so much."

Kolivan huffed, placing his hand on Keith's shoulder. "Can't have a cub running around Blade Head Quarters."

Lance groaned softly rubbing his face. He looked up to the unfamiliar blade and tilted his head.

Her gaze was soft, posture relaxed as she watched Rosályn and Keith.

The blue paladin tilted his head.

Maybe she just has a family of her own and knows the feeling.


906 words

As requested, Aneira is not dead yet.

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