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Keith and Lance followed behind Kolivan through Lotor's ship. Kolivan paused at each hallway, ears flicking before ushering them onwards. Keith reached behind him and Lance grabbed his hand. Lance squeezed as they snuck forward.

Kolivan straightened his back and held up his fist.

Lance pulled Keith to a stop with him. The Galran sniffed, then turned his head. He gestured with his hand and turned the corner. Keith tugged Lance along.

The red paladin gasped and jerked forward as he heard a baby cooing.

"Wait, Keith!" Lance whispered. "Can't catch attention, remember? I know you want her, so do I, but we can't risk her getting hurt."

Keith nodded, clenching his jaw. He breathed deeply, then slowly continued after Kolivan.

The Galran paused by a door, looked down at the tracking device in his hand. He craned his neck and leaned forward to peek through the window of the door. Keith anxiously bounced on his heels, then jumped as Kolivan flattened against the wall and gestured to the door.

Without waiting for a verbal confirmation, Keith skirted around Kolivan and forced the door open.

Rosályn squeaked from her spot on Berrie. Berrie meowed, raising her head as her eyes sparkled.

"Oh, baby girl!" Keith gasped, falling to his knees and gathering the infant into his arms. Rosályn cooed, reaching up to Keith. "Sweetheart, I missed you so much."

Lance knelt beside Keith, his hand on Keith's back. "Is she okay? Any scratch, is she hurt at all?"

Keith shook his head, nuzzling Rosályn and gently squeezing her. "My sweet little girl..." He sobbed softly, letting Lance and Kolivan help him to his feet. "She's okay... She's okay, now."

Berrie trotted just behind Keith as they began to swerve back through hallways.

Kolivan then gestured to Rosályn as they stopped. "We need to get into an escape pod. She doesn't have a suit."

Lance clenched his jaw. He turned to Keith. "Let's get you two in a that escape pod." Keith gulped, curling his fingers into Rosályn's shirt. "Once I'm sure you're safe, I'll head to my lion with Kolivan."

The red paladin slowly nodded. "Okay... You have to be careful, though."

"I'll be fine. I've got Kolivan with me. We're buddies. Right, Kolivan?" As Lance glanced over to the Galran with a grin, Kolivan grunted in acknowledgment. "See? He's got my back." He turned back to Keith and pet Rosályn's hair. "It'll be okay, Keith. We've got our little girl, and you got your cat."

Berrie meowed, flicking her tail.

The ship suddenly jolted and shook. Keith gasped, clutching Rosályn as Lance grabbed onto him to keep them upsteady. The blue paladin quickly embraced Keith and their daughter before rushing them over to an escape pod.

Berrie scampered in, ears flat and tail fluffed out. Rosályn began to whimper and sob. Lance pressed his lips into Rosályn's hair, then desperately to Keith's lips.

"Head straight to the castle. Don't turn back. Don't even look back. Okay?" Keith nodded, hand in Lance's hair. Lance kissed Keith's forehead quickly. "Mkay... I love you. I love both of you so, so much." He whispered, taking a step back. Keith had to force himself stay put. He wanted badly to go with Lance, but Rosályn was in his arms, reminding him to return her to safety. Lance forced a smile as the doors shut and the shuttle began to whirr and hover out of the hangar.

Keith sat in the pilot's chair, biting back tears as he shuffled Rosályn. "It's okay, sweetheart. I've got you."

Berrie meowed as Keith's fingers rushed across the dash and the boosters activated. "We're going back to the castle." Keith muttered as he leaned back and autopilot took control. He cradled Rosályn, gently rocking and shushing her to calm her. "We can take a nap and relax... I'm sure your father would love to sing you another song.

Rosályn cooed, hands curled into little fists.

Keith gasped and gripped the armrest as the shuttle was jerked by an explosion from behind.

At the abrupt movement, Rosályn pouted, face becoming red as she whimpered.

"Oh, no no no, Rosie!" Keith crooned, voice shaking as he rocked her and patted her back. Rosályn wailed, fists trembling and tears in her eyes. "Rosie, honey, it's okay!"

"Keith? Keith, is that you?" A familiar voice crackled over to comm.

Keith looked up to see the yellow lion hovering in front of him. "Yeah. It's me."

Hunk sighed in relief. "I was so worried you were still on the ship! I got you, buddy!"

"Thanks, Hunk."


Keith hummed softly, swaying with Rosályn asleep in his arms. He paused when a soft, hesitant knock sounded. "Come in." Keith muttered loud enough for his visitor to hear.
Shiro stepped inside once the doors opened. He approached Keith, Berrie watching him cautiously from her perch on the pillows.

"How is she?" He asked, peeking over Keith's shoulder to the baby.

"Tired." Keith sighed, adjusting her. Rosályn sniffled and rubbed her face with her fists, then settled down again. "They took care of her. Changed her diaper and fed her. Probably because of Berrie." Berrie purred at the mention of her name, beaming as Shiro smiled at her. She meowed, tail flicking happily.

The black paladin breathed deeply, sitting on the corner of the bed. "Keith..."

"I can't right now, Shiro." Keith murmured, lowering his head. He reached up, petting Rosályn's soft hair. "I can't..."

"But you have to listen, Keith."

Keith sucked in a sharp, shaky breath. "I knew... I knew something was wrong the moment of the explosion..."

"Keith..." Shiro sighed. The red paladin paused, then slowly leaned over to lay Rosályn in her crib. She pouted for a moment, but relaxed once her Weblum stuffed animal was in her arms and her blanket was lain over her.

He sat beside Shiro, gripping the sheets. "Tell me..."

Shiro breathed deeply. "Lance was caught in the explosion, as well as Kolivan and one of Lotor's Generals. Lance managed to pilot Blue back to the castle, but we had to help him and Kolivan to the medical bay. Both are healing." Keith slumped in relief, eyes fluttering shut. "However... Lance was severely burned... I'm sure he'll be left with some serious scars." Keith flinched, shoulders tensing up.

"But... He'll be okay?" Keith glanced up at Shiro.

"Lance will be fine." Shiro placed his hand on Keith's shoulder.

Keith gulped and nodded, then leaned on Shiro. "... I've become such an emotional bitch..."

Shiro chuckled, looking into the crib. "A little girl can do that to someone." He mused, rubbing his arm. "I think it's been good for you. She's been a good thing for you... For Lance... For all of us. Rosályn has been a blessing."

"Yeah." Keith sniffed. "Yeah..."


1132 words

Just, uh... Take it.

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