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"Where's Lance?" Hunk mumbled around a mouthful of food goo as Keith slowly sat down beside him.

"Sleeping." The red paladin answered, picking strange looking foods out of the display Hunk spanned out over the table. "I didn't want to wake him."

Pidge paused, fork halfway to her mouth. She shook her head. "Wait, so... Has he slept all night?" She inquired, pointing her fork at him.

Keith nodded, taking a large bite. "Yeah. He passed out just a few minutes after he came back to the room and has been asleep since. Well, he woke up when I got out of bed, but fell back asleep after a minute."

Shiro hummed with a small smile. "It's good that he's getting sleep. However, I don't think it's healthy to sleep for a very long time."

The doors opened and everyone looked up. Lance was yawning, arms stretched up over his head as he dragged himself in. "Morning, everybody."

Keith smiled as Lance seated himself beside him. "Good morning." He hummed as Lance pressed a soft, lazy kiss to his cheek and took his hand.

"Morning, sweetheart."

Pidge fake gagged, turning away. "Affection is gross! Especially so early in the morning!"


Lance groaned, collapsing onto their bed and narrowly missing Keith. The red paladin smiled, setting the Altean tablet aside. "Tough day?"

The blue paladin whined, pulling himself between Keith's legs and wrapping his arms around Keith's waist to bury his face in Keith's belly. "Yes! So, it started easy so Matt could get a hang of it, then it suddenly got really hard and fast paced! I got shot ten times!"

"What do you want me to do?" Keith mused, carding his fingers through Lance's hair. "I can't do anything about how Allura, Coran or Shiro trains you guys."

Lance hummed, then peeked up at Keith. "Maybe you could train us for a day." He suggested, wiggling for a moment.

Keith huffed, raising a brow. "Oh, yeah? You sure about that?"

Lance stared, then shook his head. "Never mind. I can live with the current training." He stuffed his face back into Keith's abdomen. Lance blew out heavily and Keith chuckled at the strange sensation. "I love you." He tilted his head slightly to be heard properly.

The red paladin smiled, petting Lance's hair down. "I love you, too."

They lay quietly for a while, but relaxed and content. Occationally, Lance would squeeze tighter or nuzzle Keith and Keith would let him.

This new fondness filling Keith was completely new and strange, but it definitely was not unwelcome.

"Lance." Keith spoke up after a deep breath. "Lance, I-I want... I want to start talking about names."

"Names?" Lance echoed and shuffled to look up at Keith. A grin split his face, eyes squinting. "I've got lots of names!"

Keith smiled as Lance sat up, back on his ankles, and pulled Keith with him. "Oh yeah?" Keith slid his arms over Lance's shoulders as he got comfortable on Lance's lap. "Like what?"

"Well," Lance started, closing his eyes and adjusting to cross his legs. He settled Keith into the bowl his legs made. "I always thought... I thought I'd like to name my first baby girl after my mom. Also, if they're a boy, I'd like to name him after my grandfather."

Lance smiled softly as Keith toyed with his hair at the nape of his neck. "What are their names?" Keith murmured, tugging on the collar of Lance's jacket.

The blue paladin hummed, shrugging off his jacket. "My grandfather's name is Alejándro. I've always liked that name. It's so strong and powerful, which Abuelo was. But he was also kind, and just a really great man." He dipped forward, kissing Keith's cheek. Keith smiled, biting his lip. "Then my mamá, Rosá. I always thought it'd be nice to my my little girl after her, but... Then I decided I wanted to add a little twist to the name. I searched for names that were like Rosá, and I fell in love with the name Rosályn. Strong and beautiful." Lance took one of Keith's hands in his own, then placed his other hand on the small of Keith's back. "Are those names okay?"

Keith nodded, threading their fingers together with his other hand rubbing Lance's upper arm and shoulder. "I love them. They're both great."

Lance lit up. "Really? You really like them?" Keith laughed softly, but nodded as he cupped Lance's cheek. Lance seemed to relax as he leaned into Keith's touch. "I was so worried you'd hate them."

"Hate them?" Keith echoed with a slightly raise of his brow. "Why would I hate those names? They're beautiful." Lance shrugged, looking away. Keith sighed and leaned forward. His forehead rested against Lance's. "Those names are definitely at the top of the list."

"Yeah?" Lance chuckled, eyes meeting Keith's. "Alright."

Alarms blared suddenly, pulling the two apart. Lance sighed, squeezing Keith's hand. "I'll... Be back." He murmured, then placed a parting kiss to Keith's forehead.

Keith nodded, climbing off his lap. "Be safe."

Lance winked, tossing his jacket onto Keith. "When am I not?"


854 words

Super short.

I know.

But Goddamnit, I just hinged season three the second it aired and I've been crying since.

Things will still go as they have gone as I had done in my previous Klance when season 2 aired.


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