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Keith hunched over the toilet, contents of his stomach already long gone. Lance sat behind him, forehead pressed into Keith's shoulder as he rubbed circles into Keith's side.

The blue paladin hummed softly. "This is the third day, Keith." Lance murmured, tilting his head to kiss Keith's shoulder. "Maybe we should get you in a pod."

"Pods heal wounds, not illness." Keith grumbled, eyes closed.

Lance sighed, now rubbing up and down Keith's side. "Then I'll go tell Shiro you can't train again, today."

Keith rolled his head. "I can train."

"If by training you mean throwing up all over the place, then yeah. You can."

"Just- fine..." Kieth pushed himself to sit up straight. "Okay... I'll lay down. But today is the last day without training. Even if I'm sick tomorrow, I'm training."

Lance raised his hands in surrender. "Okay. Alright. You win. Go lay down and I'll go tell Shiro."

Keith nodded as they both got to their feet.


Keith was, of course, sick the next day.

Lance tried to convince the red paladin to take it easy, but Keith brushed him off and pushed his way into training.

Of course, Shiro didn't want Keith going all out, so he had Coran set the levels low.

While fighting the gladiator, Keith hid the fact that he felt like he was going to pass out.

During the drill where they had to protect each other from the hovering drones, Keith couldn't keep focus. He accidentally got himself and Hunk shot.

Finally, there was the invisible maze. Pidge was leading him through.

"Just take three more steps to the right."

Keith nodded, brows furrowed in concentration. He took three shaky steps, his stomach churning.

Pidge seemed to notice how queezy Keith was getting. "Keith? Are you really sure you're okay?"

"I'm- I'm fine!" He waved his hand in her general direction. "I'm okay, I'm just-" Keith hunched, clutching his stomach. "O-oh..."

"Ah, shit!"

"Don't puke on the invisible wall!" Coran shouted. "It may make the situation worse!"

Pidge gulped. "Turn slowly to the right! Okay, there! If you're going to puke, do it there! Unless you can hold it until Coran gets the maze down!"

Keith pressed his hands into his abdomen, breathing deeply and slowly. Once he got the okay after the walls went down, he made a dash for the door.

Shiro stood on the other side. "You came in sick?"

The red paladin gulped, palms clammy and head light. "I-I just-"

"No, Keith. You can't train or fight when you're like this. You're clearly not getting any better."

Keith shook his head. "No, just- just one more day! One more day, and I'll be okay!"

Shiro clenched his jaw, then sighed. "If you're not better in one day, I'm cutting you myself and forcing you into a pod to see what's wrong with you. Take off your armor and go rest, Keith."

"Okay." Keith nodded, then scurried away to find somewhere safe to vomit before doing what he was told.


Keith lay, content and relaxed with his back pressed against Lance's chest. Lance traced patterns over Keith's flat abdomen, face pressed into the crook of Keith's neck. His other arm acted as a pillow for Keith's head.

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