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Keith hummed as he was woken. He smiled as Lance kissed down the side of his face.

"Lance." He mused, reaching out.

The blue paladin chuckled, taking Keith's hand. "Come on. It's time to get up." Lance placed a kiss to Keith's knuckles.

The red paladin groaned, turning his head to bury his face in the pillow. "No. I don't wanna."

"Would you rather Allura come in and get you herself?"

Keith raised himself, glaring at the pillow. "No."

Lance laughed, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "Come on, hot stuff. Shiro's in charge of training, today."

The red paladin nodded. "Good. Allura is insane when she's in charge. And after last night, I'm not sure I want to do anything."

"Keith." Lance rolled his eyes with a smile. "All we did was make-out. Granted, it was for about two hours, but still."

Keith huffed, dragging himself out of their shared bed in only his boxers. "It's still exhausting." Lance stood up from squatting, then sat on the edge of the bed. "But good. Tiring, but good." Keith wiggled into his pants, then gasped as he was pulled into Lance's lap. "Lance!"

Lance hummed, dotting kisses over Keith's shoulders. Keith laughed as Lance squeezed him, arms wrapped around his middle. "Lance!"

"What?" Lance propped his chin on Keith's shoulder, giving him his big, puppy eyes.

"I need to finish getting dressed so we can go eat." Keith placed his arms over Lance's. "Come on. You got dressed. Let me."

Lance huffed, but let him go. "Okay."


About halfway to the dining room, Keith began to feel slightly nauseous. He shook his head a couple times and kept pace with Lance. He leaned on Lance as they walked together.

Lance looked down to Keith, but didn't question him. No one else was around, so no one would see.

The blue paladin hummed, arm slipping around Keith's waist.

Before the door to the dining room slid open, they separated themselves from each other. Lance yawned and stretched. "Morning, guys."

Hunk grinned. "Morning! You made it here with Keith alive?"

Lance sniggered as he sat beside Hunk and Keith sat beside him. "We hardly talked, so it wasn't half bad."

Keith stared at the table, trying to not think about how his stomach twisted or how light his head felt.

"Hey, Keith? You okay?" Pidge leaned closer after handing him a plate.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." Keith shook his head again and raised his fork. He narrowed his eyes and raised a forkfull of goo. Keith took a bite. He could barely chew. He wanted to just spit it out, but he swallowed it. Keith dropped his forking on his plate and leaned over, placing his hands over his stomach.

"Keith?" Shiro spoke up this time. "Keith, are you alright?"

Keith breathed deeply, looking up. Great. Now everyone was looking at him. Keith pushed himself to his feet. "Fine. I'm fine... I just-" His stomach lurched and one of his hands flew to his mouth. Without another word, Keith rushed out.

He didn't make it far from the dining room. He fell to his knees, forearm pressed onto the wall as everything just forced itself up and out. Keith gasped and coughed, not looking up as circles were rubbed soothingly into his back. Keith panted, trying to relax.

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