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Pike looked up at his mother, concerned.

Keith panted hard, sweat dotting his forehead. One hand was placed on his overly-swollen belly, the other on the wall for support.


"I-I'm okay, baby..." Keith gulped, slowly breathing out. "We just... Need to make it to the med bay... We need to get there before the next contraction..."

Pike pouted slightly, quickly grabbing onto Keith's leg as the castle trembled. Keith's fingers tangled in Pike's curls. "It's okay, Pike... Come on."

The four-year-old slowly nodded, following Keith down the hall to the medical bay.


"Uh, guys? Someone just activated the medbay!" Pidge shouted, looking at the panel screen the information to her.

"Could it be Keith!?" Lance yelped, dodging out of Hunk's way.

Pidge huffed. "I'll check." She quickly ducked out of range, typing one-handedly to connect with the medical bay's communications. "Hey, Keith? That you?"


The green paladin blinked at the strain in the red paladin's voice. "Hey... Are you okay?"

"No... No, my... Contractions are only two minutes apart..."

"Aw, hell." Pidge grumbled, biting her lip. "Matt won't be back for another week... Shit..."

"Pidge, what's going on!? Is it Keith!?" Lance yelled, as he flew through a barrage of fighters.

"Yeah... It's Keith. Shiro, I'm turning back to the castle!"

"How long do you think you'll be?"

Pidge bit her lip as she turned back. "No clue. A couple hours?"

Shiro breathed deeply, then sighed softly. "Alright. We've got this."

Hunk pulled back. "Pidge is leaving!? Why are you leaving!? Don't leave me!"


Pidge dashed into the medical bay. "Right now!?"

"Right now!" Keith hissed through his teeth, straining, gripping the rails of the bed as he squatted.

Pike whimpered, standing not too far from Keith and clutching his blanket to his chest.

The green paladin hurried over. "Where's Rosályn?"

"Room..." Pike answered for his mother as the contraction finally started to subside.

Pidge nodded, gently grabbing Keith's arm. "How far apart?"

Keith panted, standing back up slowly. "Th-thirty seconds..."

"Damn it..." Pidge fixed the pillows and grabbed more. "Bed, now. Come on." She helped her fellow paladin into the bed then sits at the end of it. "Keith, you're going to have to bear with me. I have no idea what the hell I am doing, but Matt is not back, Allura is busy on the bridge and everyone else is still fighting."

Keith nodded, gripping the railing. He tilted his head as the mattress dipped beside him. "Hey, baby boy..."

Pike whimpered, laying on Keith's chest. "Mommy... I scared..."

"Don't be..." Keith murmured, then clenched his jaw and tensed up tight as another contraction hit him. "I-it's just y-your brother... Or s-sister..."

"Shit... Keith try not to push. You're only eight and a a half centimeters dialated." Pidge muttered, brows furrowing.

Keith groaned, dropping his head back. "Fuck..."

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