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"No... N-no baby?" Keith trembled as he stepped back, tears welling up in his wide eyes. "I-I was but... But I'm not?" His hands hovered over his abdomen, as if he was afraid to touch himself. A sob wracked his body, now looking more small and fragile than ever.

"Keith..." Lance whispered, holding his arms out. "Keith, I..."

The red paladin's breaths became shallow and quick, thick tears pouring down his pale cheeks in a matter of seconds. "No... No, no!" He choked on another sob, clutching Lance's jacket closer and tighter around himself. "Th-they're gone... I didn't even know I had them, and now they're gone!" Keith screamed, his knees giving out beneath him.

Lance hurried and caught him, both of them sinking to the floor. Keith cried into Lance's neck as he clung to him. Lance held him close, biting back his own tears as they burned his eyes once more. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."


The others all sat on the sofa in the lounge, all with downcast, mournful expressions.

Rosályn giggled and chased Berrie, waddling on her chubby little legs as she kept a tight grip on her Weblum. Her twin pony-tails a top her head bounced as she ran as quickly as she could.

She squealed once she finally caught Berrie, holding her up as she waddled over to Shiro. "Shi-ho! Beh-ie!" The little girl chirped giddily, the brightest grin on her face.

Shiro forced a small smile on his face. "You got Berrie?" Rosályn nodded vigorously, squeezing and nuzzling the Biladi. Shiro leaned over and scooped her up. He gently pried Berrie from her arms, letting the feline trot onto the cushion and curl up. Rosályn blinked, then looked curiously up at Shiro.

He sighed softly, closing his eyes. "We'll play later, Rosie... Let's go get you something to eat and lay you down for a nap, okay?"

Rosályn hummed, uneasy as she realized the atmosphere. Slowly, she nodded, leaning onto Shiro's chest, looking at all her other aunts and uncles.

Now sad, just like how all of them looked, Rosályn tucked herself away in Shiro's shoulder as he stood up and sauntered out of the lounge. "Wan' dada..." She whimpered.

Shiro gently rubbed her back. "Soon, Rosie... He just needs to be there for your mom, first."

"Mommy?" She perked up, peeking over his shoulder, then twisting to look behind her. "Mommy?" She asked again, not seeing her mentioned parent.

The black paladin shook his head. "He's not here."

Rosályn started to whimper and pout, her chubby cheeks reddening. "M-Mommy..." She sniffled, her dark blue eyes filling with tears as she lay her head back on Shiro's shoulder. "Dada..."


After Shiro got Rosályn to eat a little bit, Lance met him just outside the kitchen and took a tired, but excited Rosályn. She practically leapt from Shiro to her father, and clung to him once his arms were securely wrapped around her. Lance nodded to Shiro and the black paladin gently placed his hand on Lance's shoulder.

Lance held Rosályn close as he walked, one arm tucked under her bum to support her, his other hand rubbing slowly up and down her back. Rosályn stayed awake, her fingers curled into Lance's shirt and her Weblum's leg. She hummed, sucking anxiously on her bottom lip.

Once the familiar bedroom doors open, Rosályn popped up, looking around. She gasped once she spotted Keith and wriggled in her father's hold. "Mommy! Mommy!" Rosályn cried once she was set on the bed and hurried over to Keith.

Startled, Keith looked up from his lap, blood-shot eyes wide. Rosályn fell onto him, having dropped her Weblum in favor of holding her mother. "Mommy! Mommy, mommy!"

The heavy shake and distraught sound that came from Keith was completely foreign to Rosályn, but she nuzzled closer as his warm arms squeezed around her, holding her tightly to his familiar chest.

"Oh, Rosie... Rosie, sweetheart..." Keith whispered, kissing the top of her head. "I love you. I love you so, so much." The breaks in his voice made Lance ache all the more as he watched, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Rosályn pulled back, placing her hands on Keith's damp, pale cheeks. She hummed, leaning forward to pressed her lips to Keith's forehead, just like she'd seen her father do many, many times. "I luff you, mommy." Rosályn murmured.

Keith sobbed, a small smile breaking through. "I love you, too, baby girl." He reached up, cupping her face to bring her closer. Keith kissed her cheeks, then her forehead, drawing her back in for a gentler embrace. "I love you... I love you..."


782 words


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