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"Why would you leave them alone!?"

"Lance, I-!"

"You were with them, and now they're gone! You're supposed to stay with them if something happens to the ship!"

Aneira's ears flattened back, eyes tearful as she looked down at Lance.

"I'm sorry..." She cowered back, lowering her head. "I didn't think we were being attacked... I thought an asteroid hit or... Something less... I don't know... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have left them..."

Lance sobbed, falling back in his seat, the others around him with their heads low.


The blue paladin snapped his head up, then rushed back to the bridge doors. "Rosie, sweetie. What are you doing in here? You're supposed to be in the room."

Rosályn pouted, twisting her fingers into her dress. Lance's eyes widened and his froze at the red staining her fingers and smeared on the fabric of her dress. "Berrie won't wake up... I wanna snuggle Berrie."

Lance accidentally tightened his grip on her shoulders. "Berrie?"

Aneira gasped. "Berrie was still with them!"

Lance lifted Rosályn and pushed her into Aneira's arms before bolting to the lounge. Pidge and Shiro followed close behind.

The blue paladin skidded into the room, gagging the moment he did.

Berrie lay near the sofa, her deep red blood pooled around her. When Lance looked closer, he could see the white of bone broken through her skin and bloodied fur.

Lance trembled, forcing himself over to the Biladi. He got down on his knees beside her, blinking back tears, throat closing. "Oh, no..." He cupped his hand beneath Berrie's head, then jumped as her ribcage shuddered with a breath. He gasped and Pidge scampered over.

"She's still alive!" Pidge cried, watching as Berrie's chest expanded with each inhale. "Shiro, go get a pod ready!"

Shiro nodded and dashed out of the lounge to the medical bay.

Lance and Pidge carefully picked Berrie up, holding her head back to allow her to breathe.

They rushed her to the medical bay, then lay her at the bottom of the pod Shiro prepared.

"There you are, brave kitty." Lance murmured, stroking Berrie's head. Barrie cracked her eyes open, meowing brokenly. Lance nodded and smiled to her, then stepped back as the pod activated.

He scrunched his nose at his blood covered hands, stomach churning. "He... Keith must think Berrie is dead if he saw it..."

Pidge walked with him to a sink. "Probably... I would... If Rosie hadn't gone looking for her and we didn't get to her, she might have died." Lance nodded, scrubbing the blood off his hands. "But now she'll be okay. Thank God. I love that cat and so does Keith."

"She'll be in there for a while, though." Shiro sighed, approaching them. "Nearly every bone is broken, has a collapsed lung, arteries severed, spine half-crushed... I think the only reason she's alive is because her heart was unharmed, her other lung was in perfect condition and the way her arteries were cut through prevented her from bleeding out."

Lance nodded, slumping over the sink. "But, now Lotor knows about Pike. He has Keith. He has both of them, and he nearly had Berrie killed. I'm going to kill the bastard."


Keith stared blankly at the dark wall across the room, tightly holding a trembling, whimpering Pike to his chest. "It's okay... It's okay, baby." he rocked gently with Pike, kissing his head. "It'll be alright, baby boy. Daddy will come get us."

Pike sniffled, rubbing his nose. "Momma... Momma..."

Keith kissed his head, gently squeezing him. "I know... I know, but they'll come get us. They will. Just like we got daddy, back."

The year old whimpered, crying as the door slid open. Keith didn't look up.

"Keith... I'm still amazed by your name, even after all this time. It suits you so well. So, who is this little one? Not dear Rosie, I know. She's grown so well. Is this her brother? I didn't even know he existed."

Keith blinked, unphazed as he rubbed up and down Pike's back. "You weren't meant to."

Lotor chuckled, crouching beside them. "Hello, little one. What's your name?"

Pike sobbed, burying his face in Keith's shoulder, tightening his grip on Keith's shirt.

The prince sighed softly. "Well... I'd like to apologize for your beast. I heard what Jer had done to her."

Keith narrowed his eyes, clenching his jaw. Lotor hummed, reaching over and gently stroking Keith's hair.

The red paladin sneered and jerked away, holding Pike tighter as he glared at the Prince. "Don't you fucking touch me!"

Lotor raised a brow and hummed, pursing his lips. "Not taking too well to the new environment, are we?" He stood up and stretched. "Alright. I'll give you a couple days to adjust." He smirked, placing his hand a top Keith's head. "Two meals a day. One for you and one foe your son. Then, when I think the time is right... The boy is mine."

Keith's eyes widened, body stiffening as Lotor turned and walked out and the door shut. He gasped and squeezed Pike, burying his face in Pike's curly hair. Tears built back in his eyes as he trembled.

"Pike... Pike..." Keith murmured as Pike grasped him tightly. "I won't let him take you and neither will your father... Lance will come before he takes you away..."

"Momma..." Pike whimpered, curled up tightly to Keith's chest. "Scared..."

Keith nodded, kissing his head. "I know, baby boy. I know..."


912 words


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