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Pidge and Shiro stood beside each other, staring at the paladin stretched out across the sofa.

"I say we leave him." Shiro murmured with a small gesture. "Who knows how much sleep he's been getting. He doesn't even know."

"I wanted to relax on the couch, though." Pidge muttered, folding her arms.

Shiro sighed, carding his fingers through his white tuft. "He's exhausted, Pidge. Keith's been keeping him up."

The green paladin rolled her eyes. "Keith can get his own food goo and clean up after himself as he vomits. Lance isn't his maid."

"Pidge, he's taking care of him. Don't criticize Keith for what Lance is willing to do for him."

"I'm not criticising. I'm stating. Lance needs his sleep, too, you know. Not only,is he taking care of Keith, he also has to fight for the entire rest of the universe." Pidge waved her hand. "I don't see why he can't remind himself that when he gets all pissy when I tried to go look for my family."

Shiro hummed, placing his hand on her back as he lead her out. "Come on. We'll leave them both be for now."

Pidge scoffed. "You're not going to do anything? It's only gonna get worse, you know. Both of them are going to sleep less."

The black paladin nodded as the door shut behind them. "Yes, as is the price of having a baby. Even after they're born, they'll get little to no sleep, especially Lance. Keith still won't be able to pilot for a while after the baby is born."

"They should have had space protection."

Shiro laughed, ruffling her hair. "It just wasn't available at the time, Pidge. Come on. I'm sure we could find somewhere else for you to relax."

She pouted, but shrugged. "Fine."


Keith hummed as they all relaxed in the lounge, head resting on Lance's shoulder. Lance had his arm draped over Keith's shoulders, chin placed atop Keith's head.

"So," Keith started, toying with the fabric of Lance's shirt. "When do I start showing?"

"Around four months is the typical time." Pidge murmured, not looking up from her laptop. "Before that, it just looks like you're gaining weight."

Keith huffed. "Thanks." She flashed him a grin and a thumbs-up.

Lance rubbed Keith's arm. "So in about two months is when you'll start to look pregnant." He mused, then ended with a long yawn. Keith smiled, taking his hand. "Wow. Two months. It's been two months since we made a baby."

Pidge snorted. "Two months since you last got laid." She easily dodged the blue slipper that came flying at her. "It's true!"

"So!?" Keith shouted, cheeks slightly red.

Alarms blared before she could respond.

Lance groaned as the others leapt to their feet. Lance pushed himself up, kissing Keith's knuckles. "I'll be back." Keith nodded before Lance jogged after them, grabbing his slipper that Keith had thrown on his way.


For the next several days, Lance had to drag himself around and chug modified nunvil to keep himself awake during training, meetings, and even battle.

Every night, Keith would nudge Lance awake whenever he was hungry and would wake him up if he felt sick. Of course, Lance would go up to the kitchen and grab some food, or he would sit with Keith until he was done, lay him down, then clean up whatever mess was made before crawling back into bed if alarms weren't already blaring or Allura wasn't calling them in for training.

Ruby and Saphire : Voltron:LD KlanceWhere stories live. Discover now