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"Every ship can be tracked. Everyone, and there are multiple ways to track them. Each and every one. Even Lotor's." Aneira's fingers flew over the screens in front of her, Pidge and Matthew beside her.

Lance clenched his jaw, pacing back and forth impatiently. He stopped as Shiro placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Hey. Calm down. This will not be a repeat of what happened to you. There's no way. I won't let it." Shiro assured, patting Lance's back.

Slowly, Lance nodded.

"I've got him!" Matthew shouted, jerking straight up. "I've picked up Lotor's diagnostics and algorithms over in the Lythm quadrant! He's a lone ship, so we shouldn't have much trouble reaching him."

Allura nodded. "Everyone, hang on. I'm starting a wormhole."


Lance breathed deeply, clenching his jaw as he waited for the doors to open. The castle was as close as they could get without being detected and he couldn't bring his lion. He gulped, closing his eyes as the door opened.

Quickly, Lance activated his jetpack to steady himself as the vacuum of space sucked him right out.

He grunted and pivoted around an asteroid, jerking and kicking off another. He could see the ship, but it was still incredibly far off.

Lance grabbed onto another asteroid, glancing every which way to find his path.

"Lance? Lance, can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear, Shiro." Lance responded, pulling himself to the top of the asteroid.

Shiro sighed softly, then sucked in a deep breath. "Lotor's ship might seem like a straight shot, but it's really not. You still have a whole asteroid field to go through, then you have to go around a planet."

"Around?" Lance echoed, narrowing his eyes and furrowing his brows. "Why around? I can see the ship at this angle. I can go straight to it. It'll take hours to go around."

"But then he could see you coming from the asteroids. Go further into the belt, around Hexio, then come in from beneath the ship. It's the most tactical, stealthy way if you want to get in undetected." Shiro explained with a soft groan.

Lance clenched his jaw, but slowly nodded. "Yeah... Okay..."


Lance grabbed onto a panel on the bottom of the ship, then carefully pried it open. He crawled in, then opened the hatch above him.

He checked the surroundings, then hefted himself up. He closed the hatch and waited for oxygen to fill the room before taking off his helmet.

"You in, Lance?"

"I'm in. I'm planting the tracker right now." Lance unlatched the small device from his belt and attached it to the wall. He pressed the button in the middle, then stood and walked towards the door.

"Alright, now... Three rooms over, hold your hand over the main control panel." Pidge told him, and he could hear the keys on her laptop clacking.

Lance peeked out into the hallway, swishing his head from side-to-side. He listened for any sentries or guards before bolting down the hall.

He counted down three doors, skidding to a halt and sharply turning into the room as the door opened. He gasped and jerked to the side before he could run directly into a Galran soldier. 

"Hey!" They snapped, drawing their blade. Lance grit his teeth, swinging his bayard up and jamming it into their jaw. They gasped and stumbled back, jerking once Lance shot them. 

He quickly locked the door, then scurried over to the panel. 

"Okay, I'm by the panel. Hurry, Pidge. Who knows what they're doing."

"I'm hurrying, Lance. Calm down."

Lance huffed, bouncing impatiently on his heels.

"Oh, shit. Damn it."

"What? What's wrong?" Lance straightened up, looking back to the door.

Pidge sighed softly. "Keith and Pike are no longer on that ship. They're on another ship."

"What!? Pidge-!" He gasped and grabbed onto the panel as the ship jerked and began to move. "Pidge!"

"Working on it, working on it! Aha! Hey! Well, good news! They're bringing you right to the ship Keith is on!"

Lance grit his teeth. "Oh, good. And here I thought I'd just be stuck on this ship forever."

He could practically see the smug look Pidge was most likely making.

"Whatever. You just better prepare yourself. The ship Keith is on has some seriously high security."

Lance sighed and nodded. "Noted. Guide me though, Pidge."


727 words

So that's how they found Keith. No plot hole.

Unless you're looking for one.

But, so sorry for the late, late update.

Work and school and animals keeping me so busy, I have almost not time for myself or my friends anymore, let alone wattpad time.

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