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"Uncle time!" Hunk shouted, leaping off the sofa the moment Lance stepped foot into the lounge.

Shiro also stood up and trotted up behind Hunk to peek at the youngest member of their crew. Lance chuckled, turning to face the other paladins. Rosályn stared up at them, her fists pressed into her cheeks.

Hunk giggled, wiggling his finger at her. Rosályn cooed, reaching up and wrapping her tiny, chubby fingers around his. "She is so small! This is the cutest little onesie, and I don't even know what it says!"

Lance smiled, watching her as she tugged on Hunk's finger. "Yeah. She loves her crib, by the way."

"Oh, good!" Hunk grinned. "I'll tell Pidge!"

Shiro hesitated for a moment, then looked up to Lance. "May I?"

The blue paladin glanced up at Shiro, then nodded. Hunk pried his finger reluctantly from Rosályn as Lance adjusted her. "Yeah. Remember to keep her head supported. She likes it if you rub her back while you hold her.

The black paladin nodded, gulping as Rosályn was placed in his arms. She pouted and whimpered during the transition, but then blinked and looked up as she was cradled in bigger arms. Rosályn hummed, patting her fist on Shiro's arm, relaxing as he rubbed and patted her back. Shiro smiled as he rocked slowly.

"Hey, hey! Look at the favorite uncle!" Lance mused, placing his hands on his hips.

Hunk pouted as he watched. "But I wanted to be the favorite uncle! That's unfair."

Shiro chuckled, keeping his eyes on Rosályn. "She's so light."

"Yeah. Pidge said that she's just over seven pounds." Lance folded his arms, gazing softly at his daughter in his leader's arms.

Hunk then glanced back to the doors. "Where's Keith? I thought it was physically impossible to pry Rosie from him?"

Lance snorted. "I made him sleep. Once I knew for sure, I took Rosie with me to make sure she wouldn't wake him up. Berrie's staying with him."

Rosályn sucked in her bottom lip, her eyes slowly beginning to close.

"She's kinda chubby for only being just over seven pounds." Shiro mused as she fell asleep.

Lance grinned. "She's barely a week old, Shiro. She's still tiny and chunky with babyfat."

Shiro hummed, adjusting her slightly. "Wow... A baby... It's dangerous for her, Lance." The blue paladin nodded, meeting Shiro's gaze. "But I think we could do it. The practical barrier is three times thicker, defenses are quicker and stronger, and nothing gets on or off the ship from any which way without being scanned and reported."

"Yeah." Lance smiled, reaching over to stroke his thumb over Rosályn's cheek. "She's safe."


"I'm fat."

Lance jolted, blinking owlishly as he looked up at Keith. "Fat? Sweetheart, you think you're fat?"

Keith wined, sinking onto the edge of the bed. "I don't think I'm fat. I know I'm fat. I'm hella fat."

The blue paladin carefully set Rosályn down, tucking two pillows on either side of her. Berrie meowed and curled up on one of the pillows. Lance scooted to sit beside Keith and wrapped his arms around him. "Keith, babe, you are not fat. That's baby weight. It'll go away."

"If I work it off."

"Well, yeah-"

"Like the fat that it is."

Lance sighed, pulling Keith into his lap. "Keith, it... This is no problem, okay? Think of it as necessary weight. You had to weigh a little more, or Rosie wouldn't have been a healthy baby." He rubbed Keith's side, taking his hand. Keith leaned on him. "It's okay. We'll work it off together."

Keith nodded, resting his head on Lance's shoulder. "Do you think... Every time I'll get pregnant, I'll gain a lot of weight?"

The blue paladin paused, wide eyes on the wall. "Every... Time?"

"Well, yeah. Every time." Keith tugged and twisted the collar of Lance's shirt. "Why?"

"There's... You're already thinking... Of another baby?"

Keith pulled back to look into Lance's eyes. "Yeah, kinda... I shouldn't since I'm a paladin and should be thinking about getting back in shape to be able to fight like I used to... Do... Do you not want another baby?" Keith started to shrink back.

Lance, startled, gripped Keith's waist tighter. "N-no, that's not- I didn't mean it that way! I just- I didn't think you would want another baby..." His voice dropped as Keith relaxed. "I thought about asking you, but you just had Rosie and I thought about..." His gaze flicked away. "I thought about what happened last time we found out you were pregnant..."

The red paladin shook his head, then wrapped his arms around Lance's neck. "It won't happen again." Lance squeezed Keith's waist. "I'm sorry for how I treated you. I was terrible."

"Don't apologize. It's been months." He gently pecked Keith's lips, then smiled. "Why don't we wait a little while, then talk about another baby, mkay? Another one right now would be a little more than just stressful." Keith bit his lip and nodded, kissing Lance's cheek. "I love you so much, Keith. I love you."

Keith smiled and leaned in to kiss him, but paused as Rosályn started to fuss and whimper. "I'll take her. She's probably hungry."

"Yeah." Lance's arms slid off Keith's waist, letting him stand.

Keith carefully picked up his daughter as she began to cry. "Oh, Rosie, sweetheart. Mommy's here." He crooned, cradling her to his chest.

Lance smiled as he lay back on the bed. "You're going to let her call you that?"

"It grew on me." Keith admitted, grabbing a bottle. "Besides, I gave birth to her. Daddy doesn't sound right when I think about it."

Humming, Lance sat back up and helped make the bottle. "Alrighty."


Allura giggled as she held Rosályn, gently rocking the sleeping baby. "Oh, I love her! She is just the cutest little thing!"

"Meh. I've seen cuter." Pidge muttered, though she didn't bother pulling her finger out of Rosályn's tight grip.

Lance and Keith both laughed softly.


1000 words

Uncle Time!

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