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Rosályn was panicking. She didn't know what else to do as aunt Pidge held her, keeping her away from the bedroom.

Her mommy was in pain. Lots of pain from the sounds of it.

Screaming and crying and saying lots of bad words that everyone got onto auntie Pidge for using.

Rosályn wanted to be with her mommy, or at least her dada, but he was in there with mommy and she wasn't allowed in.

Was mommy dying!? Mommy's dying!

"Auntie Pidge!" Rosályn cried, wiggling and thrashing, reaching for the door. "Mommy! Mommy need me!"

Pidge couldn't keep a hold on the two-year-old, so Hunk took her and squeezed her. "Not right now, honey. You have to wait just a little while longer."

Rosályn whimpered, lip trembling before she buried her face into her uncle's shoulder.

Hunk hummed and rocked her. "It's okay, sweetie. It's okay."


The moment the doors opened and Matthew stepped out, Rosályn leapt out of Hunk's lap and bolted into the room. "Mommy, mommy, mommy!" She cried, trying to pull herself up onto the bed, tears in her eyes.

Lance laughed at her, Keith smiling tiredly. Her father gently picked her up and sat on the edge of the bed beside Keith. "Mommy's right here, pequeña princesa. See? So is your little brother."

Keith gently adjusted the little bundle in his arm, pulling the corner to the side. Rosályn leaned over, eyes now wide and curious.

A little red face and tiny little fists peeked out from the white blanket. Rosályn reached out, brushing her fingers over his cheek. "Baby..."

Keith hummed. "Yeah... Your baby brother."

"His name?" Rosályn looked up at Keith, scooting to the edge of Lance's lap.

"Pike." Lance answered her, rubbing her back. "Pike Alexander. Do you like him?"

Rosályn giggled, resting her cheek on Keith's arm as she pet Pike's red cheek. "Yup! He so cute!"

Berrie meowed, curled over Keith's shoulders. She flicked her tail over Rosályn's head. Rosályn peeked up at her and waved before returning her full attention back to her new little brother. "Pie."

"No, not pie!" Lance laughed, squeezing and nuzzling Rosályn. She squeezed and wiggled out if his grasp. "Pike, honey. His name is Pike."

"Pike?" Keith nodded, lightly rocking Pike as he pouted. "Pike. Pike, Pike, little baby Pike!" Rosályn sang, giggling afterwards.


"Annie! Annie!" Rosályn cried giddily as she was swooped up by the Galran.
She laughed, nuzzling Rosályn's cheek. "Rosie, Rosie!"

Rosályn giggled, squeezing her, then gasped as she spotted another familiar face. "Vanie! Vanie, Vanie!"

Kolvian lifted her up, propping her on his hip. "Hello. Where's your parents?"

"With baby Pike." Rosályn sang, attention now stuck on Kolivan's braid.

Aneira's eyes widened. "Baby? Keith had the baby!? Already!?"

Kolivan shrugged. "This is the first I hear about it."

The shorter Galran groaned as him, then started running towards the blue and red paladin's chambers.

The leader of the blade looked down to Rosályn. "I have strange allies." Rosályn giggled as he followed much slower. "Do you like Pike?"

"Yup. He so tiny and loud." She answered, though invested herself in his braid. Kolivan chuckled, patting her back. "Pike, Pike, little baby Pike." She sang again, giggling after. "Pie... Not Pie, Vanie. Pike. Pike, Pike."

"Is his name Pike?" Kolivan grumbled, glancing down at her.

Rosályn nodded and grinned, eyes sparkling up at him. "Yup! Baby Pike!"


Keith hummed, cradling Pike to his chest as he swayed. Rosályn sat on the edge of the bed, eyes on Pike and her mother.



"Mommy, I play with Pike?"

"Play with Pike?" Keith looked down to Rosályn. "Baby girl, he can't play, yet. He's too little, right now." The toddler pouted. "You can hold him, though."

Rosályn gasped, eyes widening and sparkling. "Okay!" She squeaked, holding her arms up.

Keith smiled. "Uh-uh, Rosie. Go lean back on the pillows."

She nodded, crawling quickly across the bed and promptly plopping down and sitting against the propped up pillows.

"Alright." Keith slowly sat on the edge of the bed and carefully placed Pike in Rosályn's arms. "Here... Support his head like this. Yeah, there you go." Keith grinned, hands under Rosályn's little arms. "You got him."

Rosályn giggled, squeaking as Pike opened his dark gray-blue eyes. "He so cute!"

The red paladin hummed. "He is... He looks more like daddy than he looks like me, don't you think?" Rosályn tilted her head, observing Pike, then nodded. Keith pet her hair back. "You tired of holding him, yet?"

Rosályn shook her head. "Never. Never-ever."


763 words

Aww! Big sister, Rosie and little brother, Pie!

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