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"Okay, sweetheart, for your first birthday, we're gonna try walking!"

Rosályn stared up at Lance, holding her Weblum toy to her chest. "Nn... No."

Lance pouted, dropping his arms. "Please?"

She shook her head. "Uh-uh." Her little pig-tails swishing.

"Oh, come on, sweetie. You can stand, let's try walking!"

"No, dada." Rosályn huffed, pouting just like he was.

"Oh my God, it's like a mirror!" Pidge shouted from the sofa, Lance sticking his tongue out at her. She giggled, returning her attention back to her laptop.

Lance sighed, lowering himself to sit just a few feet away from the birthday girl. "Come on, princesa. Stand up."

Rosályn stared at him, then leaned over. She placed her palms flat to the floor and pushed herself up onto her feet. She wobbled slightly, gaining her balance rather quickly. Once fully standing, Rosályn picked up her Weblum and hugged it to her chest.

The blue paladin brightened up, grinning widely. "Alright, now come to me! You can do it, sweetie!"

The baby hummed, swaying slightly. The frills on the hem of her dress swayed with her. Lance whined, keeping his eyes on her even as the doors opened.

"Trying to get her to walk again?" Keith mused, stepping up behind Lance.

"Yeah." Lance sighed, slouching. "She's been standing up on her own for almost a month now, and she still refuses to walk."

Keith smiled, carding his fingers through Lance's hair. "Must be because you spoil her and pick her up every time she asks."

Lance shot Keith a glare, then quickly turned back to Rosályn with open arms. "Come here, princesa! Daddy will hold you!"

Rosályn gasped, eyes lighting up as she gripped her Weblum. "Up!?"

"Up!" Lance scooted closer, waving his hands to her. "Come here, princesa, and I'll hold you!"

She squealed, shaking giddily and toes wiggling. Rosályn giggled, squeezing her Weblum close. "Dada, up!"

Lance nodded. "Up! Just take a few steps closer!"

Hunk snickered from beside Pidge, holding up the recording device. "This video is already five minutes long."

Rosályn hummed, sucking on her bottom lip as she looked down to her little feet. Her big eyes turned back to her parents, her father beckoning her over while her mother stood behind him, smiling fondly.

She giggled again and grinned, flashing her eight little baby teeth, and the few more growing in further back. Rosályn stumbled forward into her father's welcoming, comfortable, familiar arms, cheers breaking out all around her.

Rosályn squealed as she was squeezed and he father abruptly stood.

"Mi pequeña niña, ¡estoy tan orgullosa!"* Lance shouted, kissing the top of her head.

Keith laughed, stealing Rosályn away before Lance could crush her. Rosályn nuzzled close to Keith, kissing his cheek just like her father taught her. Well, maybe a little more sloppy. She giggled as her mother returned the kiss.


Keith hummed as a small paw and a small hand both prodded at him, waking him up.

"Mommy... Mommy... Mommy, hun-gie." Rosályn spoke, now patting Keith's cheek.

He chuckled softly, reaching up to pull her and Berrie into his arms. Rosályn gasped and squeaked as she was snuggled. "Me too, but I'm also sleepy. Wake up your dada."

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