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Keith panted, slumped back against the pillows. Berrie nuzzled him gently as Lance kissed his knuckles. "You did great, Keith. I'm so proud of you."

"Where... Is she?" Keith breathed, looking around.

Lance reached up and tucked stray strands of hair behind Keith's ear. He smiled, noticing how Keith's hair was still in a French braid from the night before. "Matt's cleaning her up. She'll be over in a tick."

Keith pushed himself up more, Keith and Shiro helping him. Shiro sat in the seat Allura offered him.

Matthew finally turned around, tucking a red blanket snuggly around the baby.

"Rosie!" Keith gasped, releasing Lance's hand to reach out for her. "Let me hold her!" He practically begged.

The older man chuckled, leaning over and carefully handling her into Keith's arms. "Here you are."

The red paladin gulped, gathering her to his chest. More tears built in his eyes as he smiled. "My baby girl..."

Lance leaned closer, Berrie lowering herself to sniff the new being's forehead. She meowed, her tail swaying. Lance moved himself to the edge of the bed, one arm behind Keith, the other under Keith's arm. "She's gorgeous, Keith. She's so beautiful."

"I know... Oh, Rosie, my little girl." Keith breathed out, stroking her round cheek with the pad of his thumb. "Shiro, look at her."

Shiro hummed, scooting closer. He reached up and brushed his knuckles over her forehead. Rosályn fussed, raising her fists to her head. "That's definitely your little girl, Keith."

Keith raised her up to kiss her forehead. "You're so beautiful."

Matthew smiled as he watched, then gently nudged Shiro. The black paladin looked up to him. Matthew gestured to the doors. Shiro nodded and stood up. He leaned over and kissed Keith's head. "I'm proud of you, Keith. Matthew and I are going to be just outside the door, okay?"

Keith nodded, keeping his watery, exhausted, joyful gaze on the baby in his arms.

Without another word, Matthew and Shiro left.

Lance rested his head on Keith's shoulder, running his thumb over Rosályn's cheek. "She looks just like you. She's beautiful."

Keith still smiled, petting the silky soft, fluffy raven hair a top Rosályn's head. "I love her, Lance. I love her so, so much."

The blue paladin hummed, kissing Keith's shoulder. "I love her, too. I love both of you."

"Rosie..." He blinked and several tears slipped free. Keith glanced over to Lance.

Lance had long since taken off his chest plate, arm guards and gloves, but left his lower half in armor. Keith frowned at the unfamiliar cuts and scuffs and burns on the spandex, as well as the cut on his jaw and the one through his eyebrow.

"Lance? What happened?"

"What?" Lance straightened up to meet Keith's concern gaze. "What do you mean?"

"Why did it take so long to get here? Your mission wasn't far." Keith tried not to squeeze Rosályn.

Lance slowly breathed in and sighed. "Keith..." He brushed Keith's bangs aside to kiss his forehead. "I'll tell you later, okay? You just endured hours of labor. We finally have our baby girl in our arms after months of waiting." Keith nodded, looking back to Rosályn as he leaned on Lance's shoulder. Lance gently squeezed Keith with one arm. "Rosályn Olivia... Our beautiful baby girl."

"McClain." Keith murmured.

The younger paladin blinked, brows furrowing as he peeked down at Keith. "My last... Wait, you want her to have my last name? Why not yours, or a hyphen-"

"Yours." Keith shifted Rosályn in his arms. "Rosályn Olivia McClain. That's what I want."

Lance couldn't help the tears that built in his eyes as a wobbly smile made it's way to his face. "Yeah? Then that's her name... I love you so much, Keith. I love you." He closed his eyes, pressing his lips to Keith's head. "Dios mio, I love you."

Keith smiled softly, tilting his head just slightly. "Is it alright... If I take your last name, too?"

The blue paladin laughed, ducking down to press his forehead into the side of Keith's head. "If you want it, take it. Whatever you want, Keith."


Keith hummed as he swayed, his little baby girl swaddled and sleeping peacefully in his arms. He couldn't seem to break the smile on his face, his soft gaze focused on Rosályn. "You make me so, so happy, little star." Keith whispered, brushing his thumb over her plump, rosy cheek.

His smile only widened as hands were placed on his hips and a firm chest pressed against his upper back. Lance pressed his nose into Keith's hair as they swayed together. "You should be sleeping, Keith. Come on. Get some rest before she wakes up again."

"Oh, I can't, Lance. I hate putting her down." Keith sighed, shifting Rosályn in his arms. "I love her. I love her so much, Lance."

Lance gently turned Keith to face him. "Alright. Then, for tonight and only tonight, she'll sleep on the bed with us."

Keith bit his lip, looking up at Lance as he still kept smiling. "Okay. Just tonight."

The blue paladin pulled Keith closer to kiss his forehead as he rubbed Keith's sides. "Okay." Lance lead Keith to the bed, carefully prying Rosályn from Keith's arms so Keith would lay down.

Lance yawned, Rosályn cradled in one arm as he dragged himself around to his side of the bed. Keith stretched his arms out for his baby as Lance lowered her to the bed. Keith took her and gently nuzzled her as Lance crawled into bed.

Berrie meowed, leaping up onto the bed. Lance sighed, scratching behind her ear before draping an arm over Keith's waist. "Think you could sleep some now?" Lance murmured.

Keith nodded, Rosályn wrapped carefully in his arms, close to his chest. He kissed the top of her fluffy, soft head. Rosályn fussed and wiggled for a moment, then breathed out slowly and relaxed.

Berrie curled up at Rosályn's little feet, her tail flicking back and forth.

"Goodnight, Keith." Lance sighed hardly able to keep his eyes open any longer.

Keith kissed Rosályn's forehead. "Goodnight, Lance... Goodnight, Rosie."


1021 words


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