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Ten meals.

Five days.

Pike is still curled up in his lap.

Keith sighed in relief, pulling his youngest up to his chest. Pike whined and squirmed as he was moved, then settled down, relaxing on Keith's chest. He rocked with Pike, gently stroking his curly hair back.

"Lance had to wait longer in worse conditions. I can wait." Keith kissed the top of Pike's head and sways with him. "My sweet boy."

Pike hummed as he woke, curling his fingers into Keith's dirty shirt.

The door opened and Keith clenched his jaw. He gripped Pike tighter.

"Oh, Keith. Lovely seeing you today." Lotor greeted, stepping in. "But, third visit... I'm sure you know what this means. You're smart."

Keith glowered at Lotor, curling his fingers in Pike's hair. "You aren't touching my son."

Lotor hummed. "You see, Keith... I am. I have to to keep my word. I told you I'd be taking him away."

"But you're not going to." Keith ground out, holding Pike tighter.

"Yes, Keith. I am." Lotor reached over as Keith turned, squeezing Pike tighter and tighter.

Pike whimpered softly, clinging to his mother. "Mommy..."

Lotor sighed softly, gesturing to the two guards standing at the door. They stepped in, each grabbing one of Keith's arms.

Keith screamed and thrashed as Pike was pried from his grasp. "No! No, give him back!"

Pike cried, struggling in Lotor's hold as the Galran stood with him. "Mommy! Mommy!"

Tears stung Keith's eyes as he thrashed, Lotor carrying Pike away. "No! No! Bring him back! Pike! Pike, I'll get you back!"

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!"


"You can't right now, Lance."

The blue paladin clenched his jaw, nodding. "I know..." He muttered back softly. Fingers curled into fists as he listen to Keith and Pike screaming around the corner.

"And remember, Pike first. Lotor is alone. Circle to the right and take the second left. There you should intersect with Lotor."

Lance nodded, glancing to the left. He couldn't see Keith, but he still screamed and he could hear him struggling.

Clenching his jaw, Lance followed Shiro's instructions. Turning the corner, Lance didn't even wait for Lotor to recognize him before shooting him.

Lotor gasped and doubled over. Lance snatched Pike away and held him close.

Pike sobbed, clinging to Lance once he had him. "Dada!"

"I've got you, bubba." Lance murmured softly, kissing Pike's head and stepping back to avoid Lotor's hand.

"Blue paladin... How convenient." Lotor ground out, pushing himself up as he clutched his stomach. Lance just watched the Galran Prince as he held Pike's head down on his shoulder. "I thought you'd come later. When it was too late."

"Too late for what?" Lance muttered, rubbing Pike's back.

Lance huffed, leaning against the wall. "Your son would have been sent off to training for the Galra while your mate would have been fertilized by my own seed. Then you would have been too late. You'd never reach your son and my own would be born from your mate."

Lance huffed, looking down to Pike. "Good thing I came just in time."

Lotor growled softly, hand slowly reaching for his blade. Lance hummed and slowly set Pike down.

Pike whimpered, but Lance gently pet his head. "It's alright, bubba. I'll just be right here." Pike pouted, but sat down.

Lance rolled his head. "No dirty play."

Lotor smirked. "I've been wanting to fight you since I've seen you in the arena." He tossed his blade aside after Lance tossed his bayard. "This will be good."


Keith panted hard, tears streaking his cheeks. He curled up in the corner of the cell, chest tight and gut cold.

He hugged his knees to his chest, heart still erratic and panicked in his chest.

The door clicked and thudded, then slowly opened. Keith snapped his head up, eyes wide.

His breath hitched.

He panted, pushing himself up.

Keith sobbed, wilting in relief as he recognized the armor.

Lance ran in and caught Keith with one arm before he collapsed. Keith clung to his lover, sobbing and shaking.


Keith gasped and quickly grabbed Pike. "Oh, Pike! Pike, baby boy!"

Pike grasped Keith, shaking and whimpering. "Mommy, mommy!"

Lance gathered them both back into his arms, kissing their heads. "Come on... Let's get you two back home..."


716 words

No rape!

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