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"Mommy, I don' wan' it."

"Well, why not?"

"Because it gross..."

"Rosie at least tried it, sweet boy. Can you be like her and just try a bite?"

"No, mommy."

Pike shook his head, slouched back in his seat and arms folded tightly over his chest. Keith sighed, dropping the spoon back into the soup. "Pike. You really need to try it. It'll help your tummy."

The two-year-old pouted more- big, dark eyes on Keith.

Keith groaned, slouching against his seat. "Not the eyes, sweet boy. You know I can't resist those eyes. You need this and I can't force you to take it if you give me those cute, sad eyes."

Pike whimpered and Keith just caved.

"Okay, okay, sweet boy! You don't have to take it!" He stood up, plucking Pike from the booster in the seat beside his. "You don't have to take it, I promise!"

Keith barely glanced up as Lance walked in, arms stretching up over his head, yawning loudly. "Hey, babe. Has he taken his medicine, yet?"

"Mm... Yes..."

Lance raised a brow, lowering his arms. "Really?" Keith nodded, rubbing Pike's back. Lance tilted slightly to look around them from his angle, then sighed. "Babe, you suck at lying. At least try to hide it."

Keith groaned, squeezing his youngest. "He gave me the eyes, Lance. I can't say no to the eyes. You know this. As soon as he gives me those eyes, you know I can't do it, or have to do it- depending on the situation."

The blue paladin shook his head, walking closer. Keith pouted, tucking Pike's head into his shoulder.

"Alright, I'll take a try." Lance reached for the two-year-old.

Keith made a sort of high-pitched whining noise as Lance took their youngest. "But I just promised he wouldn't have to!"

Lance huffed, grabbing the spoon as he adjusted Pike on his hip. "But he does have to. Pike." The little boy looked up at his father with big eyes. "Open up, or you're staying in the crib tonight. No cuddling mommy."

Pike gasped, eyes widening more before he clamped down on the spoon, gulping down the medicine. He coughed and whimpered, then bounced and grabbed for Keith. "Mommy! Mommy, I get 'nuggles!"

Keith laughed softly, lifting up Pike. "You do get snuggles!"

Pike clung to Keith, nuzzling happily into him.

"See? Just got to give them a little nudge." Lance mused, ruffling Pike's hair and kissing Keith's head.

Keith huffed and pouted. "But he gave me his eyes..."

Lance shook his head, patting Pike's back. "Be strong, babe." Lance hummed with a small smile.


Rosályn skipped happily in front of her parents, Berrie trotting beside her as they made their way down the hall.

Pike walked beside Keith, holding his hand and holding his own blanket to his chest. He watched his sister, giggling softly.

Keith smiled down at Pike for a moment, then returned to watching Rosályn.

Lance had his hand on Keith's lower back, leading him along as they walked. He glanced over each of them several times, smiling softly.

Berrie meowed, her long tail flicking in the air. Rosályn twirled, the skirt of her dress billowing out.

Keith moved closer to Lance, smile and gaze both soft as he watched their four-year-old. "I'm so glad... I'm so glad I changed my mind..."

Lance hummed, kissing Keith's head. "Changed your mind? About what?"

The red paladin breathed deeply with a gesture to Rosályn. "Her... Our first baby. I hate to think about what our lives would be like without her... If I had killed her... We'd be miserable. I'd regret it, wouldn't I? Now that we have her... I don't want to know what life is like without her. I don't want to know how we'd be if I had gone through with it."

Lance rubbed up and down Keith's back, sighing through his nose. "Well... I don't, either... I'd always dreamed of being a father... When I first realized I was in love with you, I realized... I may never have that, since it'd be a little difficult to adopt from space. So, I was a little... I was excited when I found out, but I knew right away that you, you know... Probably wouldn't be all for it." Keith huffed amusedly, taking Lance's hand. Lance squeezed gently. "But... Now that it's blown over and we have two of the most beautiful children in the entire universe."

Keith smiled brightly up at Lance. "We do... We really do."

The blue paladin hummed, then looked down to Keith with a soft smile. "I love you so much... You have no idea..."

"I love you, too." Keith murmured, resting his head on Keith's shoulder.

Rosályn sang and twirled, giggling every-so-often, not paying any mind to her parent's conversation.


810 words

Just some sweet family moments.

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