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Lance gasped, instinctually grabbing onto Keith and Rosályn. He pulled them closer, Rosályn whimpering and the two Blade members growling.

"Keith, take her back to the room." Lance kissed their heads, Keith nodding. "Go up to the bridge if you want, but just stay safe."

"You be safe." Keith tucked Rosályn's head into his shoulder. "Don't be stupid or reckless."

Lance then grinned as he followed after the others. "Can't help that, darling!" He called with a salute.

Keith shook his head, but hurried to carry Rosályn to his room. He paused halfway down the hall, looking back at the Galran following him. "Uhm... What?"

"You're very pregnant and you have a still very small, young cub. Something could easily happen to you and your child." She explained, Keith narrowing his eyes at her. "I'm just making sure you reach your destination safely."

The red paladin observed her, then nodded and walked the rest of the way to his room.


"Alright, it's over." Lance sighed, dragging himself into his shared room. He collapsed onto the bed, groaning softly. "Five varga... That fight actually lasted five whole Earth hours..."

Keith chuckled softly, reaching over to gently run his fingers through Lance's hair. "I noticed."

"Are battles like this normal for you Paladins?"

At the unexpected voice, Lance flung himself up, scrambling off the bed and reaching for some kind of weapon. "What!? Who- where did you-!?"

"Relax, Lance!" Keith laughed. "It's just Aneira. The Blade that came with Kolivan."

Lance blinked a few times, eyes on the Galran. He groaned, slowly sinking back onto the bed. "I'm too tired for this."

Keith hummed as Lance rested his head on his lap. "Then get some rest." He murmured. Lance sighed softly, relaxing onto the bed.

"Thanks again, Aneira. Is she asleep?"

Aneira hummed and nodded, stepping closer. "Sleeping sounder than a rock." She mused as Keith reached up for her. She leaned over, placing the sleeping two-year-old in her mother's arms. "How is the littlest one?"

Keith huffed softly, adjusting Rosályn. "He was kicking like a beast earlier, but he's settled down, now."

The Galran smiled. "I think it's good that you decided to start a family."

"Well, we didn't decide anything until we found out I was pregnant with Rosie." Keith murmured, running his fingers through his daughter's hair. "We had only done... The do the one time, then a month later, Lance said that we should end our relationship."

Aneira creased her brows. "Why?"

The red paladin sighed. "He said it was because he didn't want to slow me down or make things difficult if something were to happen to either of us. Well, at this point, I had been sick for nearly a week. A few days later, we found out that I was pregnant... Then I was the one who wanted to end things. I wanted to get rid of the baby." Aneira's eyes buldged as she jolted back, mortified. "Everyone was upset, Hunk and Pidge tried to tell me not to, but Lance... Lance said that he'd help me... That no matter what he... He loved me... And he'd help get rid of her if that meant I was okay, but... Lance wouldn't have been okay."

Keith looked down to his lover, fast asleep and sprawled out on the bed. "Lance is homesick... He misses his family so bad, so I... I tried to think about him... And I realized how happy he makes me. I started to think about families and how I've never had a real one. I was scared, but the thought of being a family with Lance overwhelmed that... Then I started to think about the life we made and... And I realized that I wanted a family of my own. I wanted the baby. I wanted to keep that happiness I felt when I was just thinking about them."

He smiled, resting his cheek on Rosályn's head, Aneira relaxed and fondly gazed over them. "The moment I held her for the first time... Was one of the happiest moments of my life. Two whole years ago... And I knew I wanted as big of a family as Lance did. Well, maybe not as big, but... Still... Sorry, that was... I just kept going."

Aneira shook her head, sitting on the edge and hesitating to place her hand on his knee. "No no, I... I enjoyed that. You're very brave for overcoming that-that fear of a family. He's brave for overcoming the fear of losing you. He's brave for helping you try to get rid of something he's desperately wanted. You two love each other very, very much and your children... They have great, wonderful parents... You're a better parent than I ever was, Keith." Her stature softened as well as her smile. Keith smiled back. "I wish you luck."


810 words


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