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The house was silent aside from the meow of the fat, old tabby cat. The older woman yawned and sighed, gently stroking the cat. His tail curled as he purred deeply.

"You're fine, old Nugget." She mused, then returned to her laptop.

Nugget groused and rolled, tail flicking. She chuckled and hummed.

She blinked and looked up as the doorbell rang.

"I've got it, mamá." Her eldest muttered, yawning as he made his way to the front door.

She closed her laptop and set it aside, standing up.

"Hello? Can I help you?"

"Danny, who is it?" She called, approaching him.


She could see the way her son's muscles tensed and how he gripped the side of the door tighter.

Her breath caught with the next words that came from Danny.

"Lance..? You... You were..."

"Hey, Danny..."

Danny threw his arms around the man at their front door.

Tears built in her eyes as she met familiar ocean blues she hasn't seen in years.

Her chest felt tight, throat closed up, fingers trembling as she shakily stepped forward.

He released his older brother, Danny stepping to the side.

She reached up, fingers grazing feather-light over his cheeks. A small smile raised the corners of her lips as tears broke from them and fell down her cheeks. "Mi querido niño..."


"Oh, Lance!" She cried, yanking him into her arms.

He laughed and gripped her tight. "Mamá! Mamá, I missed you so much!"

She suddenly pulled back, watery eyes wide. "Where have you been!? They told us you were dead!"

Lance pet her hair back out of her face, grinning. "I was out there, ma... I was actually in space. It's a really, really long story, but I'll tell you if you want to know."

She nodded eagerly, wiping her tears away. "I have to know how. I have to know why they lied to us."

He smiled softer and kissed her forehead. "Okay... But, first, I want you to meet someone, mamá. You, too, Danny. Anyone else here?"

Danny shook his head. "No. Karen and Mateo are out with Silvia and Lilian and won't be back for a while."

Lance nodded, taking his mother's hand and leading her out onto the porch. She gasped and her eyes widened.

There was another man, familiar but she couldn't quite place a name. He had a lion-like, violet tail, violet eyes flecked with gold and long, raven hair pulled over his shoulder in a fish-tail braid. He smiled and waved, then looked down to the child in his hip.

"Look, Billie May. That's abuela."

The little girl, maybe about four years old, tilted her head, pig tails bouncing.

Lance smiled at them. "Come here, Rosie. Come meet abuela."

Rosályn shyly stepped forward, toying with the hem of her favorite shirt.

Rosá glanced up at her youngest, then to the girl approaching her.

"Mamá... This is Rosályn Olivia. She's turning nine years old in two months. Rosie, will you tell abuela about yourself?"

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