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After just a few ticks back on the castle ship, Lance knew something was wrong. Keith didn't run at him or stand there with his arms crossed or hands on his hips with a scowl across his expression.

Then, after a few minutes on the bridge, Lance started to get anxious. Where was Keith? Keith always met him here or in his hangar to yell at him or embrace him. He'd honestly take a beating right now from Keith if that meant he was okay.

"Uh, I'm gonna go check on Keith, guys." Lance muttered, backing towards the doors.

Shiro looked up, then nodded. "Alright. Don't take too long."

Lance nodded with a quick, quirky salute. "Yes sir!" Then he dashed out. Lance jogged down halls and stairs, slowing only when he saw bedroom doors. Instead of just walking in, Lance breathed deeply and knocked. "Keith?"

"Lance...? You can come in. It's your room, too."

"Right, I know." Lance let the door open, then close after he stepped into the room. "I just... Wanted to make sure you're okay. You didn't come out."

Keith offered a small smile, uncurling himself a little bit. "I'm alright. I just had a lot on my mind. That's all."

Lance sighed softly in relief, sitting on the edge of bed beside Keith. Keith edged closer, placing his hand on top of Lance's. "Lance?"

"It's nothing." The blue paladin laced their fingers together. "I was just a little worried."

Keith chuckled. "About me? Who would have thought?" He mused, leaning closer.

Lance smiled, looking up at Keith. He then frowned and twisted, raising his other hand to cup Keith's cheek. "What's the matter? What happened while I was out?"

The red paladin blinked in surprise. He wasn't crying. He knew he wasn't.

Still, Lance caressed his cheeks, expression concerned as he leaned closer. "Keith... Your eyes... I can tell..."

Keith gulped, looking. "Lance... Lance, I-I just..." Lance pulled Keith gently into his arms. "I thought awful things, Lance. I love them... I love the baby, but..." He buried himself into Lance. "I need to fight... I need to fight out there with you and the others!"

"I know." Lance squeezed Keith. "I know... And I'm so sorry-"

"Stop apologizing!" Keith pushed back, hitting Lance's chest plate. "Stop! It's-it's not your fault." Keith relaxed and sighed, taking Lance's hands. "This isn't your fault and I decided to keep them. I'm sure... I can find something to do."

"I'll help." Lance scooted closer, squeezing Keith's hands. "Maybe Allura would let you help us with training so Coran could do something else, or... Or- I don't know..."

Keith smiled slightly, letting himself rest his head on Lance's shoulder. "Thank you, Lance..." Lance nodded, running his thumbs over the backs of Keith's hands. "I'm glad I have you."

Lance grinned and buried his nose in Keith's hair. "Me too."


Lance jogged into the bridge and over to Hunk. "Hey- hey, guys!" He panted softly, patting Pidge's shoulder. "Sorry it took so long. What's up?"

Matt folded his arms over his chest, looking up at the hologram map hovering in front of them. "We found the next bases we're going to clear and which order. It's simple and it'll throw Lotor off our tail. Can't track us if we don't have a pattern." He smirked.

Hunk stepped forward. "First, we free Líb. Cute planet infested by Galra. The Galra have a base on one of Líb's two moons. Then, we go all the way to this system over here. Super far, right? Then we take this base, this base, and this base."

Lance blinked, following along. "Oh, I see! Sweet! How could anyone figure that out? No pattern, far apart, then close together, then back and forth and- cool!"

Shiro chuckled, arms crossed. "We start fresh tomorrow. For the rest of today and tonight we can catch up on rest and eat something. We have a big day ahead of us."

After changing, on the way back to his new, shared room, Lance walked slowly beside Hunk and Pidge, chipping into their conversation. Once they reached his room, they said their 'later's and he went in.

A soft, loving smile spread on his lips, shoulders relaxing. Lance shrugged off his jacket and set it on the end of the bed before kicking off his shoes. He pulled Keith's boots off, careful not to wake him. Lance leaned over and gave Keith a soft, quick peck on his forehead.

Lance made his way around the bed, then crawled in and lay beside Keith. He curled an arm around Keith's middle and gently held him closer.

Keith hummed and sifted in his sleep, then settled down and relaxed against Lance, head now resting on Lance's bicep.

The blue paladin hummed, closing his eyes as he flattened his palm over Keith's slightly swollen belly. "Love you..." He whispered into Keith's hair.


Keith stretched the new shirt out, kind of glaring at the fabric as Lance giggled like a child, rocking back and forth on the bed.

"This isn't funny. This shirt is ginormous. It'll fit Hunk."

"Well, you're gonna be ginormous in two months or so." Lance mused, grinning despite the deadly glare Keith shot at him. "Besides-" Lance scooted off the bed and pressed his hands to Keith's abdomen. "You can't see your baby belly in this shirt."

"Or my knees."

"Alright, fine." Lance huffed, reaching into another bag. "Look. I found these. They're like rubber bands." He stretched out the band, then grabbed the hem of the shirt. "Here. This should help." Lance pulled it up and scrunched it around Keith's hips, then tied it off and tucked the excess in the shirt.

Keith blinked, eyes slightly wide. "People do that?"

Lance snorted. "Yeah, babe. In fact, my sister will only where shirts like this if they aren't skin tight."

"I can do this even when I get full-sized?"

"Looks like it could be wide enough for that. I just don't know how big you'll get. Everyone's different." Lance shrugged, a finger on his chin as he inspected Keith.

The red paladin raised a brow and placed his hands on his hips. Lance flashed him a grin and a thumbs-up. "Sexy, babe!"

Keith scoffed and rolled his eyes, but smiled and let Lance embrace him. "You absolute goof."


1061 words

Do do do do

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