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"Lance!? Lance, answer me! Lance, please!" Keith cried as he kept his tearful eyes on the smoking lion half-buried in trees and soil. "Lance!"

Coran, Allura and Slav stood, frozen and wide eyed.

Pidge started screaming for Lance as she fought, the other three lions finally coming into view to help.


"Lance, come on!"

"Answer us, Lance!"

"Talk to me, Lance!" Keith cried, chest tight with panic. "Lance!"


"---ance---swer us---lk to---nce!"

Slowly coming to, Lance groaned. His head rolled as he opened his eyes. The cockpit glowed red, one of the panels on the screen flashing.

Lance pushed himself up off the floor, hand on his helmet as his head throbbed.

"---espond---Lance, plea---eed you ou---et up---"

"I can't... Understand..." Lance muttered.

"La---ce!---at you!?---ou oka---"

The blue paladin grabbed the armrest of his chair and pulled himself up. "I don't understand..." He breathed deeply, hissing as he applied pressure to his right leg. "I can't hear you... I'm leaving my lion."

"Coming to---tay ther---"

Lance dragged himself out of the cockpit and into Blue's mouth. He crawled out of her jaws, then cursed and ducked as he was shot at. "Quiznak!"

He bolted away, skidding around trees and boulders. His leg burned, throbbing painfully with each step.

Lance spotted the river up ahead, so he forced himself faster. Without another thought, Lance threw himself into the raging waters.

The blue paladin sunk down,deep,into the water, the river immediately taking a hold of him and pulling him along. Lance kicked off the river floor and burst from the surface, he gasped, flailing as he was yanked back under by a strong current.

"Shit!" He yelled as he broke surface again, grunting as he was thrown onto a rock. Lance tumbled over it, falling back into the water.

His helmet was flung off as he hit another rock. Lance struggled against the current, lungs burning for air. He kicked up, sucked in a sharp breath, then sunk back under.

Lance fought with the current, grunting and gasping as he hit another rock.

Water filled his mouth and poured down his throat into his lungs. He broke the surface at the next boulder and clung to it, coughing up the water that made it's way into his organs.

He looked up, eyes widening as his helmet bobbed up about four meters away. "No!" Lance cried, leaping back into the water.

Lance went with the current, stretching and pushing himself faster to grab his helmet. "Ha!" He snatched his helmet and held it up, reaching out for another boulder.

His eyes bulged at the sight ahead.

"Oh, no! No, no no no!" He screamed, flailing and battling against the current.

However, the pull tugged him closer and closer to the edge where the water tumbled over. Lance thrashed an arm out, hooking onto a low branch. He screamed as his legs were thrown over, but then sighed in relief as he now hung from the branch, free of the current.

"Great..." He muttered, setting his helmet on. "Guys!? Guys, I'm kinda dangling over a water fall!" Lance shouted, attempting to pull himself up onto the branch. "Guys? Hey, anyone there!?"

Ruby and Saphire : Voltron:LD KlanceWhere stories live. Discover now