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Y/N's POV-

"Who are you going to be for Halloween?" You asked your 4 year old daughter, Astrid. Apparently, you were asking her two weeks before Halloween just to get her things out of the way so they have enough time to go trick or treating for her.

"I dunno, mommy. What's daddy gonna be?" Astrid asked her father, Tom. Tom was eating some dinner you had made earlier and placed the fork down on the plate, finishing the food in his mouth.

"I'm gonna be Batman." Tom told her, smiling at her before going back to eat.

"I wanna be Spider-Man!!" Astrid said happily, remembering that Tom had showed her the movie he was in.

Tom stopped eating and looked over at you then at Astrid. You were also surprised that she wanted to be Spider-Man.

To Astrid, the looks she got from her parents scared her. "Sorry mommy and daddy." She muttered sadly, her smile fading to a frown. As she looked down at the macaroni her mom made and picked at it.

Before Tom said a word, Astrid started to cry quietly; hating the silence. She stood up on the chair and climbed down, running to her room. You could hear the girl's sobs as she ran up the stairs.

"What was that?" You asked Tom.

Tom sighed and shrugged, "I didn't mean to scare her or make her sad." He said quickly, getting up from the table and ran up the stairs after her.

You quickly followed and stopped at the doorway, watching Tom and Astrid.

"Daddy didn't mean to make you sad, baby girl." Tom softly cooed to his daughter, trying to coax her out from under the covers.

"Yes you did." She cried.

Tom frowned more and rested his hand on his lap. He then sighed and saw that her toes were poking from out of the blanket. Smiling to himself, he poked a toe, hearing the girl squeak.

He chuckled softly, pulling the covers off he playfully roared. The girl screamed happily and was attacked with tickles from her dad. Again her little laughter filled the room.

You smiled to yourself and walked in the room. You left them alone, again because she knew that she rarely spends time with her dad because Tom would have to go to cast in another movie.

"Now, why would daddy get mad at you for being Spider-Man?" He asked her, pulling her on his lap and cradled her like he used to when she was small.

"You looked mad. I only wanted to be Spider-Man because it looked fun being in the air." Astrid smiled, reaching her arm up to poke his dimple that showed on his cheeks as he smiled.

"Of course you could be Spider-Man! But, even better. You could be Spider Girl!" Tom said happily, tickling the girl's stomach again.

She bursts into giggles and nodded. Sitting up on his lap she hugged him. "Thank you daddy! I love you!!"

Tom smiled and hugged her tightly. "Love you too, Spider-Girl."

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