golf buddy ii

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another day for golfing for tom & his friend haz, leaving junior very excited. he loved joining his father & uncle playing golf & even being able to join in the game every now & then. but on the way there, a big wreck had happened causing bad traffic. with junior promised being there as soon as possible, it looked no where near close to his promise.

"why'd we stop?" junior asked as he began to fidget in his seat.
you looked at him in the rear view mirror, giving him a small smile, "there's traffic bubbas. it's gonna be a while till we get to the golf course." you explain and he whines.

tom hated to hear his son whine. his agitation was something he wants his son to never go through, but he obviously couldn't help him out this time. "hang in there buddy, you'll be alright." tom reassures.

junior ignored his father's reassurance and began moving around in his seat agitated. he rocked it forcefully and threw a stuffed animal up to the front of the car. you turned to your son & sighed, "i know you're anxious baby but we're gonna get there. do you want some snacks?" you asked your son, trying to distract him from becoming way too agitated to the point where he screams.

"no, i want out!" junior said as his voice cracked, hitting the car seat with his small fists as he began to cry.

"oh god." you muttered, becoming anxious yourself you were able to keep it way more in control than your little toddler. tom places his hand on your thigh, giving it a squeeze to let you know that he's there. the car moved slowly towards there destination, but every move felt way longer than the ride should've been.

on the way there, junior soon bursted into sobs & began doing anything to get out of the seat. you attempted to give him your hand to hold but he just hit it away. you understood that he didn't like being constricted but it was for his own safety. you sighed shakily, becoming stressed and immediately started overthinking every possible little thing, even though you knew that he was alright.

tom noticed and nodded at you as the traffic began getting clearer, "hey, don't worry," he says as he gave you glances in attempt to connect with you but also keep his eye on the road, "you're doing everything you can. he's just stressed and feels the need to let out emotions towards the object. let him have his moment. i know you & i both hate to hear him in distress but the last thing i know you wanna do is yell at him. you're okay, darling." he said and you sighed nodding.

you wiped your eyes of any tears that slipped down your face and took a deep breath. soon enough, tom made it to the golf course and met hazoster with a laugh, "sorry haz, traffic was horrendous." he apologized and he shook his head smiling. he was such an understanding man. you knew it was a small reason and why wouldn't he understand, but right now understanding was all you needed right now.

you went to take junior out of his seat and saw that he was asleep. you didn't even notice that he had fallen asleep. you sighed and took him out of the forbidden car seat, resting him on your hip and he wrapped his arms around your neck gently.

"mm sorry mommy." he mumbled into your ear and you sigh, rubbing his back, "it's alright baby, you're forgiven. i know you were just stressed out." you say and he picks up his sleep head to give you a small, sloppy kiss on the cheek before going back to sleep.

"he awake?" haz asked, rubbing the boy's back and you nodded. "he's trying to go back to sleep though. he got a little fussy in the car." you explain and junior whines at you for even bringing up his tantrum.

tom smiles and goes over to kiss and cradle junior's head, "you tell mommy sorry?" he asked and junior nodded. "good boy." tom smiles and walked back to haz to start a game of golf. junior napped most of the time but was able to get some good cuddles from you while you admired the boy in your arms and the man you married.

— this is lowkey cute aw & im going insane i wanna leave my house

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