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—y'all i'm so sorry for not updating for a while school's for me all stressed out this junior year & im failing math & tryna make this chapter on 9% of power so i'm sorry if it's rushed :( & it's going to be a short chapter because i'm havin major writers block & id like if y'all send me requests in my messages ¡ gracias por favor !

"Mom I got a question." Mable asked and you turn your head to your 8 year old daughter and you smile. "I've got an answer, what's up?" You ask and Mable licked her lips before sighing, "Do you think you can sign me up for acting lessons? I've been interested in it for a while and I just, I dunno." She says, starting to wander off about asking you her little idea. You look at her and shake your head, "Don't wander off about it, I'm obviously going to say yes, honey. Your dad will also be very excited. He can even tell you some secrets about it." You say and she smiles widely. "Okay, thank you!" She said and wonders off to her room.

Tom soon comes home after going grocery shopping for a little bit and you smile at him. He looks at you with a curious glance and he chuckled. "Why've you got that little smile on your face?" He asked and you laugh gently, "Should I not smile when your home then? Noted." You joke and he laughs shaking his head, "Come back, shut up." He said and grabs your waist and you laugh as he kisses the back of your neck. He did this all the time when you two were younger but now barely seeing each other because of work time differences, he does it whenever he can just to hear your beautiful laugh. "Your daughter wants to try acting." You say once able to get his loving grip off of you and he furrowed his brows with a smile. "Really?? When did this come up, you should've called me!" He said happily knowing his daughter would follow in his footsteps.

"That's for you to ask your baby. Don't freak her out alright?" You say gently and he shakes his head, "I definitely won't mess this up, I hope she turns out like me." He says and you pout, "What about me? Where do I fit into this?" You ask and he chuckled, "Shes got your gender and personality love, I don't see what else you'd want her to have from you; she's already perfect." He compliments and you sigh rolling your eyes, shoving him towards the hall way for him to talk about the secrets of acting with his daughter, "Shush and go talk to your little actress." You smile and he smiles back, kissing you gently before going into Mable's room.

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