Alone With Them

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You had to go out of town to [ hometown ] and stay the night for business involving work. Which meant you'd be leaving three kids home, including Tom. Your little girl Sperry is 15 months and running around the house which is hard for Tom because he has to be watching your baby boy, Jacob, who is 6 months old.

"So you're sure you have everything? If you don't I can just stay and-"

Tom interrupted you with a laugh, "I'll- we'll be fine. Plus, it's not like I haven't watched them before." Tom said picking up your daughter, Sperry who had started learning how to run.

You frowned and nodded, kissing Tom's and Sperry's cheeks. "I'll be back in two days." You told them, going over to Jacob who had been jumping in his little jumper. You smiled at Jacob and squatted down to kiss his cheek. "I'll be back okay? Be good for daddy." You told Jacob before standing up to kiss Tom's lips.


Tom sighed as you had been dropped off at the airport and finally made it home. He got everyone out of the car and let them do whatever their little minds wanted to. Of course, Sperry was still running around like crazy. Jacob was happily laying on the floor looking up at some toys hat hung from a contraption Tom didn't know what it was. He once laid their with Sperry when she was under the same toys that hung from a contraption. He was then hypnotized by it which made Y/N laugh.

Tom shook his head of the thought and smiled at Jacob trying to reach the toys.

"Dada!" Tom heard Sperry scream as she ran away from the family dog Tess, which was a blue staffy.

Tom smiled at Sperry and Tess run around the coffee table. "Don't fall, hon, slow down." Tom laughed as he watched Sperry fall to the ground in exhaustion.

Sperry giggled looking up at Tom. She pushed herself up again and ran around after Tess.

Tom smiled at her and Tess before looking down at his son who had been staring at him, chewing on his fingers.

Tom made a duck face and smiled at Jacob, getting up to pick him up and place him on his lap. "What's up, baby boy?" He asked his son, bouncing him on his knee, watching a smile grow on Jacob's face.

Tom smiled and kissed his head. Maybe this isn't so bad now.

Tom: hey love, kids are pretty easy at home.. not as hard as you said it was

Y/N: i challenge you to stay for a week with them if it's that easy

Tom: deal

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