Too Fast

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You and Tom were sitting in front of your living room, Tom cradling the 4 month old baby in his arms. He adores her you could tell. Your hand rested on your stomach on a set of twins, both male, and you couldn't wait.

"Aris's a beauty she is." Tom said, admiring her face features as she calmly slept in his muscular arms.

"She's got your lips and eyes." You pointed out, smiling as he looked over to you and let out a light chuckle.

"How's Peter and Parker doing?" Tom asked, jerking his head towards your big stomach.

You smiled at the names he and his friend picked, and nodded. "They're doing pretty well. You and Hazoster picked wonderful names."

Tom nodded, "I know." He smiled and got up, once hearing the little whimpers of Aris.

"Oh, c'mon now, you're fine." Tom assured the baby that now started to get cranky.

"She eat yet?" You asked, your hand rubbing your stomach, feeling the kicking of one of the twins.

Tom nodded. "Yeah she has. Probably just needs a change or a cuddle." He said walking around the kitchen.

Checking, Tom shook his head and sighed. "She doesn't need a diaper change.." he muttered, putting her in the carpeted floor, her cries quickly quietened.

Tom chuckled and so did you, watching your daughter play with the toys in front of her.

"Maybe it was her way of telling you to let her go." You joked, making Tom turn to you and pout.

"She's growing way too fast for me to catch up."

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