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visiting tom's family home was always exciting for the twin boys amos and russ. grandma and grandpa would always have something exciting for them and this was exactly it: chickens. since the COVID-19 had started, tom and you had strictly only made it possible to visit tom's family since you couldn't visit your family. they were all the way in texas. pulling up in the driveway, tom opened the door allowing the six-year-old boys to step out of the car.

"listen guys— wait hold on." tom said quickly, grabbing the boy's arms as they were going to start running in to cause ruckus. you closed the car door behind tom and the car door holding your boys inside previously.

"come on, i wanna go see grandpa!" amos smiled eagerly and continued to tug away from tom's grip. "yeah, and i wanna help grandma make homemade shortcakes." russ said smiling the biggest smile, making the corner of his eyes crinkle.

you smiled gently at russ. he was a momma's boy, and as much as amos didn't want to admit it and wanted to be 'cool' just like his daddy, he was a momma's boy as well. a much bigger one at that. "listen to daddy really quick, baby, and you'll see grandma and grandpa in no time." you said, rubbing your finger against russ's little chubby cheeks.

tom sighed and smiled at the two, "please don't break anything like last time alright? and be careful! i know they love you but i don't think they'd like to replace everything every time we come over. use your manners. be nice as always, and one more thing," he says and grins at his sons, "race ya!" he said and immediately started running, making the boys laugh and run after their father. tom picked them up as soon as they reached the door and walked in with two giggly boys on his shoulders.

"there're my boys! i was wondering when you guys would be here." nikki said smiling. you walked over to her, saying hello to her as well as to dominic. you were able to say hello to the busy grandparents till amos and russ got their share of affection. you and tom settled down outside on a hammock while amos and russ were playing inside, playing puzzles with their grandparents. you turned to tom and nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck sighing. "i want a baby girl." you sigh and tom's chuckle vibrates against your body.

"give me the chance and i'll do my best." he said and you chuckle sighing. "shouldn't we talk about this thoroughly though? jokes aside?" you asked and he turns to you smiling. "we just did didn't we? you just have to give me the chance." he smiles and you roll your eyes smiling. he sighs, pulling you close to him. "don't worry about it babe. the boys will be gentle with her. they know how to be around babies. they know better. around harrison's baby they're absolute angels. we'll be okay." tom says and kisses your head. you sigh smiling gently. "you're so good with words."

a few minutes pass by and it oddly gets quiet. you pick up your head to tell tom, but before you could utter a word, the boys burst outside laughing, running towards the chicken coop. "boys, boys, boys, no!" tom yells as they run to the coop, scaring the chickens into running out of it. the chickens escape their coop and run off from the two boys running after them. the boys are laughing as they run after the chickens, making you laugh, as well as the grandparents. tom's stressing out and is able to get ahold of one of the boys as one of them grew tired chasing them.

"amos, how'd you know there were chickens here?" tom asked and amos giggled. "grandpa said that he had gotten chickens! they're named todd and rosita." he says giggling and you sighed shaking your head. "russ come here!" you say and russ comes towards you, doing his best to climb on the hammock. you help him up, smiling at the boys inviting company, allowing nikki to shoot a few pictures of your happy family. she later posted it on her instagram story and was able to take a few more pictures of your family being silly, as well as sneaking a photo of tom gazing at you lovingly as you smiled at the boys lying down in the grass

whoa this is what, two updates in a DAY ??!! i just really enjoy y'all's comments and can't get enough of it (: enjoy y'all's day/ week🤍

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