"RIP Steak!"

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Y/N and Tom decided to take your son Peter to Haz's for a little while. You thought it's been too long since Peter had seen him even though its been only a few months. Peter is 5 years old and copies almost everything Tom does; you had a feeling Peter wanted to be just like him.

"Harry!" Peter screamed at the top of his lungs, running to go hug Tom's brother. You and Tom winced at his piercing scream but laughed softly after.

"Peter! Look how much you've grown! Just yesterday I remember you were a small baby." Harry said smiling at Peter while Peter blushed smiling.

"Wanna go see Haz? He's in the back." Harry said to Peter.

Peter's eyes lit up immediately and ran outside to see Haz while you and Tom said your hellos to Harry. Peter giggled seeing that Haz was talking to his phone and his back was facing him.

Peter giggled softly again and ran up behind Haz. "Haz!" Peter yelled making Haz jump and almost fall in the fire.

"Peter, you scared me!" Haz stated the obvious, putting the phone down on the grass quickly before embracing Peter into a big hug.

"I know." Peter said confidently smiling as he played with Haz's curls.

Tom stayed inside dancing and listening to Ed Sheeran, Perfect. You laughed at Tom and decided to walk out to say hi to Haz.

You stayed for a few hours while Tom stayed inside most of the time and Peter stayed outside with Uncle Haz.

"Harry can you get the the tongs from inside?" Haz asked starting to cook some steak cave-man style.

"No, we can use these." Harry said picking up two large sticks flipping the steaks carefully on the thin stick they had been propped up on.

"Nicely done, Harry!" Haz said watching.

After flipping it a few times he set the sticks down. "Perfect." Haz said right before one of the steaks fell.

Haz frowned when the steak fell from the stick. He then turned and faced the camera to Harry, showing him laughing.

"RIP Steak!" Peter yelled pointing to the steak that fell into the fire.

This was really shitty but hey i didn't update in a while so here ya go and oml tom singing in the background was beAUTIFUL

daddy hollandWhere stories live. Discover now