First Day of School

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&&. this inspiration came from me, im starting school tomorrow so i will be really inactive, not as inactive as i was in the summer but like deadly inactive. im sorry but i will try to update as much as i can

Today was your two daughter's first day of first grade. No more naps, no more coloring from what you remember. Maybe only coloring once in a while, and it gets a little more challenging for her children. The twins, Michelle and Madtelyn, also know as Mads and Mitch, are in their shared bedroom still asleep. Tom and you had been up since 5:30, with you getting breakfast ready and Tom getting Tess fed along with your cat Hollywood. Tom wasn't a big fan of the cat, he had only gotten Hollywood because the girls would constantly ask for a kitty and Tom got one for their birthday.

Though he wasn't fond of him, he would still play and pet him, for the girls. Hollywood had a blue and brown eyes, and patches of brown, black and white, and the girls absolutely fell in love with him. Tom pet the cat gently as he ate before walking over to you, pecking your lips. "Should we wake up the girls now? We gotta get them dressed, eat, brush their teeth, make sure they have everything they need for school, their lunch.." he continued his imaginary list before you placed your finger on his lips. "I got everything ready. Their lunch is by the door, along with their backpacks and things. Want to go wake them up?" 

He smiled widely and nodded, running over to the kid's room. You swear he's still a little kid. You followed him with a soft chuckle, standing in the doorframe as he walked in, turning on the lights in the room and rubbed his babies' backs in order to wake them up. "Wake up sleepy heads. It's school time!" He said and the girls groaned, making you laugh. "Tess come here! Mitch wants to say good morning!" Tom called and Mitch laughed, turning on her back before meetin Tess that had zoomed into the room and jumped on her twin bed. Mitch giggled and was now fully awake, petting Tess. 

Now that one was awake, time to wake up the other one. Madtelyn was sure to be putting up a fight so early in order to stay asleep. Madtelyn peeked from her pillow, squinting her eyes because of the light and mumbled incoherant words beore turning on her stomach going back to sleep. You rolled your eyes smiling. She had definately gotten the laziness from you. Tom smiled seeing that Madtelyn had woken up but went back to sleep. "Come on, Mads, baby, we gotta get you to school so you can see your friends!" He said and she groaned under the blankets.

Tom rolled his eyes and got up, going over to her bed as Mitch had gotten up from her bed, going over to you and gave you a hug. "Morning, mama!" She said and you nodded, "Morning Mads." You said and kissed her head. She then smiled and ran out of her room, probably going to go find Hollywood. Madtelyn whined as Tom had taken the sheets off of her and pouted, looking up at Tom. He laughed softly at her face and picked her up from the bed, kissing her face before she giggled under his lips. He smiled again and kissed her head, "Come on, baby. You gotta go eat, get brush your teeth, get dressed and then you can go see your friends." He said and she nodded sighing, rubbing her sleepy eyes. 

Placing her on the ground, she ran over to you and gave you a hug, "Morning, mama." She said and you kissed her head, "Morning baby. Sleep good?" You asked and she nodded, yawning again. She ran out of the room, in finding her twin sister and the cat as Tess got up from Mitch's bed, running after the twin. You smiled and kissed Tom's cheek as he did the same. You were going to meet Chris and his kids at the school, along with his wife Elsa as well, thinking it would be best to put the Marvel kids in the same school so they won't be as lonely since they knew each other because of their parents being good friends. After eating and watching some television, Tom had chased the twins into the bathroom, watching and help them brush their teeth as you had helped them get dressed. 

You weren't that big in dressing them exactly the same. You were dressed that way when you were little with your twin brother Alexander. You had dressed the two in little joggers of Tom's choice, both different colors and a shirt of some kind from their closet. You put on their little vans and did their hair. You had put Mads hair up in a messy bun and Mitch's in a high ponytail. Soon they were out of their bedroom and already very excited to go to school. You had gotten dressed as well and Tom did the same, grabbing the keys, Tom had helped the kids to the car before he went back to the house, locking the door. Soon they were off to school as you had driven and made it to the school.

Tom and you had parked, soon meeting the Hemsworth family as India, Mads and Mitch ran to each other as they had caught sight of them. Of course Mads and Mitch would talk to Tristan and Sasha, especially Mads. She didn't want them to feel left out. Chris, Elsa, Tom and you had gotten a chance to talk before sending their kids into the school, following them to their classes as well as waving goodbye to the Hemsworth twins before the girls made their way to the first grade door. The girls said goodbye, Mads holding onto Tom a bit tighter before reluctantly leaving, not wanting to be dragged into the classroom as she was like last time when they were in Pre K 4. Tom and you had to go and she didn't want to leave you both, so as you both walked away, all you heard was muffled crying in the little room.

The goodbye was alright. After leaving the school, the two families went out to eat and went for some coffee before parting ways, saying they'll keep in touch as Tom and you rested until it was time to pick up the twins.

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