prom dress

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sadie was in her junior year and has been scavenging the internet for prom dresses for about a month now. she has an idea on what she wants, which is a see through lace for the bottom half and a simple spaghetti strap top for the top half with the tiniest bit of cleavage. she loved whatever she'd find online, but the hard part was that she wasn't sure how it would fit her if she actually ordered it. she's also been talking to you about it, so you decided to surprise her in taking her out to the mall and find the dress she's been wanting.

"sadie, babe you wanna go dress shopping? maybe we can find the dress you've been looking for." you suggest smiling at your daughter who's smile grew bigger the more she thought of finding the perfect dress for her junior year prom.
"yes, yes of course mom, thank you!!" she said happily and got up from her desk, giving you the biggest hug. you smile and give her a hug back before she ran to her closet to pick out an outfit. "i'll pick out an easy outfit to slip on along with the dress so it won't be as complicated." she said and you nodded. "meet you downstairs alright?" you smile and she replies back with a happy hum.

meeting tom in the kitchen you smile shyly as he gave you the most boyish smile he could muster up. "what?" you question as you sit at your kitchen bar and lean against the bar as you watch tom take a sip of his late morning coffee. he shook his head shrugging, "you're just really pretty." he comments making you roll your eyes. "whatever." you say smiling shyly once more and it made his boyish smile grow more. "ever since we've gotten together you've never let me compliment you." he stated with a soft smile and you turned to him and bit your lip sighing.

"i didn't grow up like that you know that." you explain again and he nods. he goes towards you and kisses your head. "but that doesn't mean you should deny my compliments. i love you y/n, and whether you like it or not you have accept that i love you and that i think youre the most beautiful girl i've ever seen." he explains making you tear up a little bit. "well clearly we're married and have a kid so clearly i seem to like it." you explain and he rolls his eyes. "shut up." he smiles making you smile and he kisses your sweet lips.

soon it was interrupted with your daughter's steps coming through the room. "mom you ready?" she asked happily and you nod, pulling away from tom. he kept his arms around your waist. "ready. let's go find your dress." you smile and sadie smiled widely, meeting you in the car. turning to tom, you smile. "i'll be back." you say and kiss his lips gently. "you always come back. love you." he says sweetly and slaps your ass goodbye with a laugh as a squeal had escaped your lips.

the rest of the day was spent happily. your daughter was able to find the dress she's been wanting & was able to find her date at the same store. the high school couple helped each other out and complimented each other before it was time for sadie to go home and show her father. besides shopping for the dress, you and your daughter were able to get other clothes besides the needed dress. a few needed outfits you can say.

pulling up the driveway, sadie ran inside and went to show her father her dress and ran up the stairs along with the other bags of clothing you had bought her. you walked in a few minutes after with a few bags in your hand as well. tom smiles and kisses your cheek, "how was the mall?" he asks and you nod. "a little packed but overall fine. her date was there shopping for prom and they were able to help each other out, so that's cute." you say and he smiles. "sounds like it." he says and nods at the bags you carried. "anything for me in there?" he asked and you roll your eyes. "no, they're for me."

"they're for you to wear for me to pull off you?" he asked smiling and wriggling his eyebrows making you scoff with a laugh. "as if." you said and he shrugged. "let's see." he nods and goes towards the bags making you shy away. "babe," he says, stretching the name he said and you shrugged. "for another time when our teen isn't in the house." you say and he smiles shaking his head. "what's a little fun with our daughter in the house gonna do? she can go out if she wants." he says and you shake your head. "you know, you weren't so horny when i first met you." you imply and he chuckles, "because that would be creepy." he says and wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into a hug. "and saying that now isn't creepy because..?" you ask and he laughs. "i thought you loved my creepiness." he winked and you blushed. "depends on my mood."

— this was boring sorry :( more to come soon

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