Uncle RDJ

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Today, Tom decided to take his son and daughter, Michael and Toni.

Michael is 5 years old and loved Spider-Man just like his dad and close to you.
Toni, Tom's daughter, is 3 years old and very close to Tom. She's known for being shy around new people but absolutely loved every person she meets unless they're mean to her which sets her off to be sassy.

Tom is on his way to set. He had to take the kids because their was no school, and you had to go to work. Being a veterinarian is tough, having to stay late sometimes. You were called in because you were the only surgeon they had and knew a lot about the animal and where the right places are.

"Are we their yet?" Michael asked impatiently once again for about the fifth time.

"We just left mommy off to work." Tom laughed softly.

"I wanna see Uncle Robert!!" He said happily.

"I know you do, and what about you, Toni, love?" Tom asked looking into the rear view mirror.

"I dunno." Toni said quietly, nervous to see her Uncle for another time. Last time she saw him, he was in a suit and it scared her because it made a weird noise when he took it off. So, yeah it kinda scarred her.

"C'mon, Toni! You'll love Uncle Robert, he always brings you guys some sweets and big hugs." Michael told Toni before Tom turned into the parking lot.

"You both will be in my trailer with one of my good friends I love and trust. And I know my Toni knows who it is." Tom smiled again as he parked the car and turned it off.

"Zendaya?" She asked with a small smile.

"Zendaya!" Tom said, his fists in the air proudly.

A smile appeared on her face at the mention of Zendaya. For Michael, not so much.

Tom got out of the car and helped his kids out of the car. He unbuckled Toni from her car seat and took her to Michael's side, helping him out of his seat too. Once he got everyone situated, he picked up Toni on his hip and held Michael's hand, also carrying a bag full with things Toni and Michael like.

"What's up, bud?" Tom asked Micheal.

Michael shrugged, "I wanted Jacob." He pouted, his shoulders slumped.

Tom chuckled softly, stopping by his trailer and set Toni down. "Just be nice to Zendaya and be glad you're not at school." He told him and kissed his head before going to say hi to Zendaya who was already greeted by Toni.

After greeting her, Michael went over and hugged Zendaya before hearing the door open, seeing Uncle Robert himself.

"Uncle Robert!!" Michael said happily, running towards him to give him a big hug.

"Hey, little man!" Robert greeted him.

As soon as Toni heard her Uncle, she looked up at Zendaya that was doing her hair then over at Tom who was ready to take Toni into his arms.

Toni shook her head and went to hide behind the couch before being scooped up by Tom. Her eyes widened and she shook her head. "Daddy, no!" She said, not wanting to see the scary man.

"T, Robert's fine! He won't hurt you and I won't let him hurt you but I know him well enough that he won't." Tom assured her, rubbing her back.

She then started crying out of fear, looking over at Zendaya for her to save her.

"T, look it's Uncle Robert!" Michael said happily.

Robert frowned at the girl crying and took Toni in his arms. Out of habit, Toni wrapped her arms around the mans neck and continued crying, trying to calm herself. She had to admit, from the Iron Man he was, he wasn't so bad as a human.

"Better now, T?" Tom asked his little girl chuckling softly.

Toni nodded and looked at Robert after her tears dried then looked back at Tom, doing grabby hands at him. Tom cooed and took her from Robert and smiled. "Well, Daddy now has to go to work but you guys will stay with Zendaya." He kissed each child's cheek before going to his wardrobe in another trailer.

"Bye Uncle Rob!" Toni waved before running over to Zendaya for her to do her hair again.

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