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The house was pretty quiet. You weren't ready for the kids to move out four years ago, and you still haven't gotten used to the quiet around the house. It wasn't a sad quiet, it was a peaceful quiet, but you needed it to be filled with laughter once again by your already 20 year old children. Tom relaxed on the couch with Tess and Dwayne, a german shepherd you had adopted a few years ago. Going over to Tom, you smiled to see him pick up his head to see you. He sighed, making room for you, "Love, I know you miss them but they moved out four years ago! And we can't just make another child." He said, knowing that you were bound to suggest it.

You licked your lips and sighed, "But I miss the little laughter that we had. They grew up way too fast for me." She said and Tom laughed, pulling you close and kissed your head. "You'll be okay. We could have grandchildren, just a few more years." He said and you sighed into his shoulder, watching Chopped with Tom for a while until the doorbell rang. Dwayne got up instantly and ran to the door, barking at whoever had rang the bell, and Tess quickly follows to quietly investigate.

You get up and go over to the door, shushing Dwayne before opening the door to see your two children with big smiles on their faces. "Hey mom!" They greeted and you smiled widely, pulling them into a big hug and laughed in happiness. They then walked in, being greeted by Tom with a big smile. "What are you guys doing here?" Tom asia and you keep smiling at the two. "We decided to come and say hi. We know how much mom misses us." Your daughter Malia says with Tom's smile plastered on her lips.

You smile in delight at those words and you sigh, "I still haven't gotten over you guys leaving four years ago. It's so quiet." You say and your son nods, "Yes we know mom. I plan on coming every weekend, but i always gotta see whenever I'm free." Tyler said and you nod. "I'm just extremely happy you're here. Come sit and we can talk about vacations." You gushed making your way to the living room, Tom laughing softly at you before following you into the room and kissed your head.

He was the one who invited them, knowing you dearly missed them. The kids were in on it all along, and it was a pretty good, very early mother's day gift. Who knew what the kids were gonna do for you, he only hopes that it wont make you move into each other their houses.

hey guys !!! sorry for thsi short imagine, & i'm sorry for being so so so inactive. ive been so busy w school & im tryna get rid of this writers blcok i swear. thank you for reading this book & continue voting :) ily - dani x

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