Golf Buddy

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—- this was one of my favorites bc it's just so cute & wholesome like most of these are lmao enjoy my activity while i still have the time !

Golfing was obviously one of Tom's favorite things to do when he wasn't in the studio acting out his lines. And whenever that day came around, he loved to take his two year old son out golfing with him.
"Is Junior ready, love?" Tom asked as you had come from Junior's room. You smile at the little name Tom gave you, "Yeah lil Tom's ready." You said with a smile and Tom awes at his baby. Junior truly did look like a little version of Tom. He had Tom's facial features but your pouty lips, as well as him having your dark green-brown eyes. Junior held yours and Tom's personality. Junior ran up to Tom and smiled widely, "We going go golfing?" He asked and Tom laughed, nodding. "Yeah bubs, we are." Junior smiled widely and giggled, going over to you asking to be picked up.
You groaned gently and picked up the boy. God he was getting heavier each day. "You're getting so big, bubs." You say before sighing contently now that he was resting on your hip. Tom has thankfully already put Junior's bag in the car, as well as his few little golf clubs. Walking to the car, Junior said a quick goodbye to Tess who followed your family to the door. You put Junior in his car seat which he was never really fond of but stayed quiet anyway because he wanted to have a good day. He messed with the seatbelts that strapped him in securely and whines gently. "It's too tight.." He muttered to himself as soon as you had gone to sit in the front seat. Tom glanced over at Junior and gave him a smile before giving him some mini oreos, his favorite, and started the car.

They had met Hazoster and Dominic at the golf court, Junior smiling as he had met his favorite uncle. You sat in the golf cart, scrolling through your phone and keeping your polaroid by your side just in case you wanted to take a long lasting photo of the little Holland boys.
"Okay you're gonna hit the ball in that hole with your club okay?" Tom says gently to Junior nods, muttering an okay before taking his position just as he had seen Tom do. He took his plastic club and hit it towards the hole and eventually made it in, making him jump and cheer and Tom cheered the same.

He picked up Junior and kissed his cheek, fixing his little golf hat with a soft smile. "Great job, Junie! I think you and I are gonna win against Haz and Pops, what'd you think?" Tom asks his son putting him on the artificial grass.
"I want a snack." Replied Junior, running towards you to get a snack from the little lunchbox you had brought knowing he'd be hungry. You smile at him and offer him some sliced apples and sat him on your lap and he munched on the apples rather happy with himself. "I hit it in, did you see?" He said happily as he turned his head with a bright smile and you smiled just as brightly, "I saw, Junior! I have a video of it, you wanna see?" You ask and he nods eagerly, eating another apple slice as you shown him the video. He laughed and watched in amazement that his mom caught the video.
"You're so cool mommy." He said and you laughed, kissing his cheek. "You know what, I think you're the coolest." You say and he smiles, "I think you're way cooler." Smirking at his little comment to win you over, you shake your head, "I think you're the coolerest." You say with a chuckle and before Junior could respond Tom comes over, "And I think you both are the bestest. And we're also hungry so let's get a move on to an early dinner." Tom says with Haz and Dominic by his side and they nod. They hitch a ride on the back of the golf cart while Tom drives the cart, holding Junior in his lap and letting him put his hands on the wheel as Tom drives it back to the golf cart area. Giggles filled Junior's lips as Tom drove and you took a video of the sweet moment, having Tom to smile sweetly at the phone and his attention swiftly went back to the sidewalk he drove on. Soon you made it to the golf cart area and you carried an exhausted baby to the car after agreeing to meet somewhere.

"I think Junior had the best day ever with his dad." You comment and Tom blushes at your words and he leans over to kiss your lips. "I had the best day with my family too." He says before driving to a burger place with a tuckered our Junior in the backseat. Knowing he'd be clingy for the rest of the day, you held him on your lap as he sat on it, falling asleep every now and then before snatching some of your fries from your plate.

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