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MJ, your 15 year old teenager, is just about to have another day at high school. She is a sophomore this year, and your husband, Tom, is giving her yet another lecture of why and what to do if a boy comes up to her.

"If any boy comes up to you, use this." Tom said, giving her a pepper spray can.

MJ took it and stared at it, raising her brow. She looked at Tom and shook her head. "I'm not taking this." She told him, giving it back to him, picking up her backpack from the floor.

"And you're not wearing those ripped black skinny jeans, either!" Tom yelled as she walked out the door to the bus that held a annoyed bus driver.

You walked over to Tom and hugged him. "She'll be okay. Let her do what she wants. She's a teen, let her have the time of  her life."

Tom grimaced at what you said and shook his head. "Nope, not acceptable." Tom said, walking back to the couch and looked at a few pictures on the wall. They were picture of MJ being born and beginning to grow up as a baby.

Tom sighed and smiled at the pictures. "I wish they could stay small forever." Tom said, looking over at you then looked at your stomach. He smirked and blushed, innocently walking towards you.

You rolled your eyes and sighed, "No, we will not have another kid."

Tom sighed dramatically and pouted, "C'mon, why not? Give me one good reason." He said crossing his arms.

"One good reason is that MJ could be having her exams and she can't be waking up early because of the baby." You explained. You had to admit, it wad a stupid reason.

Tom scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Nonsense." He told you, walking over towards you and backed you up against a wall.

You glared at him but sighed at the puppy face he gave. "You get one chance." You blushed and smiled at him before he softly pressed his lips on yours.

Walking into the bus, MJ glanced at the kids that had been picked up before her. She blushed as her eyes laid on a boy but she quickly looked away, feeling his eyes on her. Their were a lot of new sophomores so she was pretty excited to make new friends.

She sat down in the back of the bus and pulled out her phone and earbuds, playing some Shawn Mendes and twenty one pilots.

As the bus started moving, she heard some footsteps. She looked up from her phone seeing a figure. She blushed as she saw the boy who she had stared at. He sat on the other side of her and smiled at her. "Hi." He waved a little.

MJ took out a earbud and smiled back, blushing. "Hey." She said playing with the phone case of her phone nervously.

"I'm Peter. Peter Parker." He laughed softly. MJ nodded and smiled at the name, "Like Spider Man?" She asked.

He nodded and laughed nervously again, "Yeah, something like that." He smiled.

MJ nodded and looked over at him. "Want to sit over here?" She asked him scooting over near the window to make room for him.

He blushed and nodded, moving over from the other side to join her. He took messed with his hair a little bit before they randomly started talking about why trees were so aesthetic. MJ would make him laugh, and Peter would make MJ laugh. He instantly felt a connection with MJ and surely, MJ did too.

After there whole first day of school, they instantly became best friends. Peter then walked MJ home and to her front door.

"You can come in if you want." MJ told Peter before she opened the door, "Mom, Dad, I'm home!"

Peter sighed nervously and walked into the house behind her. "Your dad won't go crazy that a boy is in your house?" Peter asked, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

MJ shook her head, "He'll love you."

You walked out of the kitchen and smiled at MJ and her new friend. "Hey JJ." You said embracing MJ into a hug.

"Hey mom, this is Peter. Peter Parker." MJ said smiling.

Peter waved and said 'hello' before chuckling nervously.

You sighed and gave him a warm smile, "Don't worry about her father, you two will get along fine because of something you two have in common."

Tom then walked in, buttoning a button down shirt. He smiled at his daughter before turning to see a boy in his home. His eyes narrowed at Peter.

You shoved Tom, "Stop it."

MJ shook her head sighing, "Dad, this is just Peter. Peter Parker; he and I became best friends on the bus."

Tom's eyes then lit up and chuckled softly, "Well, what do you need to be nervous about? My name is Tom Holland, and I played Peter Parker in Spider-Man: Homecoming."

Peter's eyes widened and smiled, "Really??" He asked.

Tom nodded and shook Peter's hand. "Welcome to the Holland house hold."

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