Play Dates

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Tom was beyond excited for his little girl to have a play date with Chris Evan's daughter Lyne. But Tom's little daughter May was having a tough time picking out toys to bring to the house. She was frantically and frustratingly going through her stash of toys and getting annoyed as she couldn't find a toy or two to take.

"Honey it's almost time to go have you picked out some toys to take with you?" He asked his little girl and she screamed no, making Tom frantically run over to his little girl since he was going to grab his phone and keys. "What's wrong doll, what happened?" He asked and he kissed her head as he picked up his 4 year old.

"I can't find a toy to take." She frowned and Tom sighed. "Bubbles, you got a lot of toys that some girls don't have. Just pick one and then we'll have to go to the store and you can pick out one for Lyne." He said and her little eyes lit up, "Can I get one?" She asked and Tom chuckled gently, "You know that wasn't the deal baby cakes." He said with a chuckle making May whine loudly. "But I don't have any toys to take!" She whined and was soon throwing a tantrum.

Tom only rolled his eyes and he sighed dramatically, speaking as he took out his phone, "Gosh, May, I think I'm gonna have to cancel this play date. Can't have a angry toddler around the other and then what? A fight and someone can get hurt? We can't have that," he said and suddenly got the little toddler's attention, her little sniffles filled the room, "I guess I have to call Uncle Shmaptain Ashmerica and tell him we have to cancel because you can't act right."

"No, don't!" May cried and tugged on Tom's pants as he placed the phone to his ear. He looked down at the girl and he glared, "Then behave. You have plenty of toys. Why don't you take Smaptain Ashmerica with you and you can show Uncle Shmaptain? And you can take Poppy the Penguin, hm?" He suggested, picking out the two things that he had found near him. She sniffled and she huffed as he placed the two toys in her arms.

She glanced at the two toys and wanted to disagree, but she didn't want Tom to cancel her play date. She liked playing with Lyne's toys. And Lyne liked playing with the two toys she brought over. "Okay.." May muttered and walked out of the room with the two toys hugged to her small chest. Tom sighed in relief that he didn't have to call and tell Chris that he had to cancel. Chris liked having their company and he loved May's witty mischief along with his own daughters.

He got May in the car and had began his way to Chris', happy that May had calmed down and had actually liked the toys he had picked out for her to take. Parking the car in front of Chris' house, he turned off the car and went over to help May out of the car seat, letting her run up to the door and knock furiously on the door. "Lyne! Lyne it's Spy May, I'm ready for our mission!" Tok smiled gently and he locked the car and quickly followed his darling to the front door. As he reached the front door, the door opened and he met Chris' little girl Lyne wearing a fake army hat and Chris' sunglasses.

"Come in quick! You already gave away that you're a spy, May, so try not to blow your cover!" Lyne said and pulled May into the home and closed the door in front of Tom. Tom stuttered a little and heard Chris' laugh from inside the house. Tom could already imagine Chris laughing with his hand on his left boob, making him smile. Chris opened the door for Tom and Tom chuckles, "Hey man, hows it going?" He asked and Chris chuckles gently, "Going good man, come in, come in." He said and gave him a hug and had talked with him for an hour or two.

Sooner than May and Lyne thought, it was time to leave. Chris and Tom walked around the house to find them since they were playing a spy game and soon found them in the game room, pretending to type at a computer that Chris had given Lyne since it was already broken. "Hey spy kids," Chris said and Lyne turned to look at her father and hide the broken computer. "Are you tryna blow my cover??" She asked and he chuckled with a sigh, "Tell May bye, Lyne. She has to go home." Chris told his 4 year old toddler.

"What?! No we can't leave now we're not even finished with our mission!" May whined and Tom shrugged, "You're gonna have to finish that mission another time doll. Gotta get you home and get you nice and clean and then go to sleep." He told her making May whine like she had done before they had left their house. Tom figured that May was going to put up a little tantrum, so Tom walked over to his daughter and picked up the now crying toddler. "Bye man, thanks for inviting us over." Tom said.

"You're invited over anytime. Lyne loves to have May over." Chris said and looked down at the worried toddler looking up at May. "Is she gonna be okay?" She asked Tom and he nodded, "She's just tired is all, darling don't worry, we'll see you soon okay?" He told his little niece and Tom knelt down to give the girl a hug as he held May in one arm and hugged Lyne in the other. "Okay, bye May." Lyne said. May sniffled in Tom's shoulder and waved gently "Bye, bye." She said, and cuddled into the crook of his shoulder.

Chris has picked up Lyne and followed Tom to his car, saying goodbye with Lyne on his hip. Tom drove home smoothly and was able to put his daughter to bed without a fight, thank god. Kissing her goodnight, he smiled to hear a faint "love you" before heading to his room to sleep.

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