First Concert

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"Hey! Come on, Dad we're gonna be late!" Your daughter yelled from downstairs. You laughed at her words and sighed, walking up to your daughter Marvel. "You have fun, okay? Make some friends if you can and be patient with your father." You explained to your 15 year old.

Marvel sighed and jumped up and down like a 5 year old. "We were supposed to leave 10 minutes ago! What if I don't meet them? What if I don't get to tell Ashton how much I adore him and love him?!" She panicked. You sighed and shook your head, "You're going to meet them all. You will have enough time to say that to him. Plus you'll be in front row, darling."

"I'm coming, I'm coming! I'm sorry!" Tom apologizes as he runs down the stairs pulling on a white shirt with his blue jeans. He wore some yellow vans and had a buckle on his jeans. "Ready, Marvel?" He asked before she sighed, "I was ready 10 minutes ago, Dad." She said before walking out frustrated.

He sighed and looked at you. Shaking your head you pecked his lips, "You know how much she loves them. Expect that she was going to wanting to leave early." You explained and he sighed, "Have fun, okay?" You asked and he nodded. "Okay, love you." He said as he made his way to the car.

Driving over to the concert, Marvel immediately got out and ran towards the VIP entrance. Tom ran after her, seeing that she was all pumped up and was ready for anything right now. Now she had gotten him all pumped up. "Marvel, Marvel, wait!" He called after her before meeting her at the VIP line.

"Sorry, I'm just too excited!" She said with a big smile as she wore a shirt she had gotten ordered to her. He smiled at her and kissed her head, "Know what to say to them?" He asked and she nodded, "Oh of course! I'm just a bit nervous though." She said and he smiled, "I am too. And I'm just scared of Ashton. I know he doesn't like me." He said.

Marvel winced and nodded, "Oh shit, I forgot. Oh well?" She said and Tom laughed, "It's all right. And don't curse." He said. They got closer and closer until it was there turn to walk in. Marvel was very confident in what she wanted to say.

Walking in, Marvel squealed happily and ran to Ashton, giving him the biggest hug. Soon everyone hugged her. Pulling away from the hug, Marvel told them everything that she loved about them. Tom stayed near. The boys looked up from her and they gasped, "You're Tom Holland!" Michael said happily and he chuckled softly, "I am, yeah."

The boys fan boyed as they asked him questions. Ashton was nice enough to ask how he was doing and then all his attention was on Marvel. "Sorry I said I hated your dad." Ashton said softly and Marvel giggles, "It's totally fine! Some people don't like me anyways." She said and Ashton gasped, "Everyone should love you, you're so nice and funny!" He said leaving Marvel laughing and blushing.

Finally taking a picture, Michael, Calum and Luke had asked a few more questions before it was time for Marvel to depart. She had tears in her eyes as they said time was up. Tears then spilled from her eyes and Ashton awed. He went over to her and hugged her, "We can see if my friend Andy can get your dads number so we can keep in touch, alright?" He asked and she nodded, giving each of them one last hug before Ashton kissed her head and she said goodbye.

Tom hugged her and sighed, "Oh you'll see them soon. Want to go get some merch?" He asked her and she nodded, going here to the little shop before getting front row right in front of the stage. Marvel danced along to the songs and Tom did the same. Fans recognized him so it was a long night for him as well till the concert started.

In the middle of the concert, it was Ashton's turn to speak, "Hello L.A.!" He said, making fans cheer as well as Marvel and Tom. "I'd like to shout out a special girl tonight," he continued before Michael woke, "She's front row with her amazing father, Tom Holland!" He said, making fans cheer even more. "I will give this song to you because I heard how much you love it, as well as the rest of the people here. This song is Ghost of You." Luke spoke and Marvel began to cry. She had the best night of her life and went home still crying.

"I love them so much!" She sobbed as she watched a video she got of the boys shouting her out. Tom laughed and kissed her head as you walked in. "Marvel, what's wrong?" You asked and she showed you the videos. "I love them so much!" She sobbed again and you laughed, "goodnight baby." You said as she sobbed a 'goodnight'.

"Good time tonight?" You asked and Tom smiled. "Best night with my daughter so far."

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