The Ignorance I

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im back !! sorry ive been inactive sO much has happened at school and during my life it's exhausting !! thank you to the people who still stick around. this will be a two part series so stay tuned :) thank you
- dani

Lilly, your 5 year old daughter has been working so hard on her drawings. Ever since you showed her crayons and paper at 2 years old, she has been so mesmerized by the colors and the way you could put your imagination on paper so quickly. As she drew, her tongue poked out on the corner of her lip as she concentrated on drawing his Spider-Man suit perfectly. You let out a soft laugh and took a picture, making Lilly look up and shake her head, "Mama, no, don't send it to Daddy, it's a surprise." She said with a small smile and you nodded. "Okay baby, I promise."

Lilly smiles and hugged you before she went back to drawing. After a good 20 minutes, you hear the front door open, turning to see Tom. You smiled and got up, going over to say hi. "Hey Tom! How was work?" You ask and he shrugged you off nodding, "same old same old." He said and kissed your head before going to put his jacket away. You frowned and rubbed your hands together after feeling the cool air nip at your bare shoulders as you stood in a date dress. Tom was supposed to take you on a date tonight like he promised, but right now he seemed to be too caught up on something or it could be something bothering him. But never has he acted like this, him shrugging you off. He'd usually just hug you back if he was having a bad day or if he was caught up on something he'd say "hey darling, i can't make out right now i gotta go do something really quick and then we can start" as a joke but you'd still be doing exactly what he said.

Lilly's eyes light up seeing her father and she runs over with the drawing to show him. "Daddy look! I drew you in your suit and that's me and Mama being super heroes too!" She said with a soft giggle making you smile at her but couldn't help but frown when Tom ignored her. Something was up and you didn't like that he ignored her. You looked over at Lilly as she frowned, only to throw the paper on the floor but instead watched it slowly descend to the ground making her all riled up. She yelled at the paper and hit it once it went to the floor.

You sighed and went to Lilly to pull her in a hug. "I'm sorry he ignored you baby. Maybe today he had a bad day. He hasn't been himself for the past few days but I promise to find out what's wrong, okay?" You said to Lilly and she nodded as she cried into your chest. You smiled gently and put up the paper she hit on the fridge before making your way to your shared room. You walked in seeing Tom undressing. You bit your lip and sighed, "Tom, what's up with you? You've been so moody lately." You say as you sit down on the bed you both shared and Tom turns to you and shrugs, "I dunno. Been having a lot of bad days I guess." He said and you rolled your eyes. "I know what your bad days are like and what you do when you have a bad day. You never shrug me off of you," you point out and he sighed

"I just don't know Y/N. And I'm not in the mood to take you out on a date or play with Lilly. Just leave me be." He told you and he pulled over a shirt before making his way into the living room. You watched him walk out and it made you tear up. What the fuck happened at work or at home to where you weren't able to help him, or he thought you wouldn't be able to help him. Wiping your eyes quickly, you went to the bathroom to change out of the new casual dress and to wipe off your makeup. 

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