Morning Cafe

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a/n — there are no spoilers of ffh whatsoever !! you're perfectly fine to ready this !! love y'all 3000

"Hey baby girl, good morning." You giggles gently at your one year old daughter Miracle. Taking her out of the crib, you placed her on your hip before taking her to the bed and you peeked at the time. "8:30." You muttered and rubbed your eyes smiling at your early bird daughter and sleeping husband. Putting Miracle on the bed, you pecked Tom's lips before whispering for him to wake up and watch the baby while you went to get Miracle's breakfast ready.

Today you, Tom and Miracle were to meet Jake at a little breakfast cafe just to get to know each other as you've seen the connection between your husband and one of his now best friends. Grabbing a strawberries and cut up bananas, you put her squashed strawberries on her high chair tray and put her sippy cup full of warm milk. Tom walked into the room with Miracle on his waist as soon as you were going to get her.

"Morning babe." He said going over to you and kisses your cheek. You pecked his lips making him smile a lazy smile before going to put Miracle in the high chair and began feeding her the strawberries and later watched her eat cut up bananas. While he watched and fed her, you were back in the room, changing into a simple flowered romper. It was off the shoulders and was simply covered in beautiful flowers. You went to the bathroom and put on some light makeup and through your hair up in a messy but somehow beautiful bun. Pulling on some adidas, you made your way out of the room to let Tom change.

Walking out of the shared bedroom, you saw him making silly faces and pressing kisses to her stomach making her laugh out loudly. "Your turn bug boy." You said with a soft smile placed onto your lips and he turned to you and chuckled, "What'd you call me?" He asked and got up, kissing Miracle's head before handing her off to you, placing his finger under your chin and licked his lips with a gentle smirk before kissing you gently. And before he could make it heated he pulled away. You licked your lips that felt numb and smiled at your daughter who watched her father walk away. "Daddy'll be back, angel." You said and decided to take her to her room and dress her in a pale pink shirt and little overalls, finishing it off with some little white adidas.

Your hand cradled her head as she laid on the changing table where you had fixed her outfit and smiled gently. With a baby this beautiful, you'd never think you would ever have made. Especially not without Tom's help. The little baby had Tom's big brown eyes and your lips and nose. Her hair was brown, wavy and soft. You brought the baby to your chest and kissed her head before giving her a gentle hug. She was basically your miracle baby. You sighed a little and sniffled, wiping your eyes that had began to spill some tears. Taking a deep breath you sighed and smiled, "I love you baby girl." You said and kissed her head multiple times before walking out of the room smiling to see Tom in a button down shirt and jeans.

"Ready?" He asked, picking up the diaper bag and you nodded, "Yup. Let's go." You said smiling with a smiley baby on your hip and made your way to the car. Miracle hated the car seat, so it was always a hassle, but to keep her at least a little calm and situated, Tom would give her one of his used shirts that held his scent, keeping her a little calm and not so fidgety. Finally after a few minutes, you were on your way to the cafe that you had picked out. Tom hummed gently to the music as he drove and you sang softly, peeking in the mirror and smiled to see Miracle staring at you and Tom. Driving into a parking spot, Tom turned off the car and grabbed the small diaper bag since Miracle was quite an easy baby while you took Miracle out of the seat.

"Now that wasn't so bad hm? Just a little drive and you're already a sleepy baby." You said with a soft chuckle as Miracle fought sleep just to get the attention from the person that would soon join them. Making your way inside with Tom's fingers interlaced with yours and your other arm holding onto your child, you saw the famous Jake Gyllenhaal waving slightly to the three of you. Tom smiled widely and carefully walked quickly over to the man and gave him a hug and you followed. As soon as Tom and Jake were finished greeting each other, Jake instantly said hello to you, pulling you in a hug and was careful of not hurting the baby.

"Hello Jake. How are you?" You asked gently and he smiled, "I'm good thanks, and you?" He asked with a gentle smile and you nodded, "The same. A little sleep deprived but that's alright." You answer and he chuckles before gasping gently at Miracle. His wide smile making Miracle smile and hide her face in the crook of her neck. You already knew that she'd have a little crush on him and boy were you right. "Sit down, love." Tom said and you nodded and thanked him and put Miracle in the baby chair Tom had brought over. "You're such a beautiful baby, Miracle." Jake gushed and grazed his finger over her cheek making Miracle smile and took his large hand into hers and occupied herself with his large hand. Tom was able to make conversation after some gentle and wholesome silence just watching and commenting Miracle and Jake's connection.

"How are the spoiling thing going? You haven't spoiled it to Y/N yet have you?" Jake asked Tom with a light smirk and you sighed sadly. "God you know how many times I get frustrated with him? Every night y'all finish at least one or two scenes, he comes home talking excitedly about it, as if I wasn't a huge fan and that I've waited almost two years for the second homecoming one so I dunno, guess that's not important." You said sarcastically and Tom laughed. "Well I can't tell any of my family members! Plus you're good at keeping secrets so I trust you not to tell anyone." Tom says and Jake sighs looking at you, "How much do you regret marrying him?" "A lot." You answer quickly and you laughed gently with Jake. Tom huffs and takes Miracle out of the baby chair. "Well now I know who loves me more now." He said and kissed Miracle's cheek. "I guess I'll be telling you everything for now on." He said to Miracle making her coo up at him.

"You do know I'm gonna be doing something kinda important and kinda weird for you in the film right?" Tom says and you furrow your eyebrows. "Like what?" You asked suddenly intrigued and kind of nervous and he shook his head. "I'll tell you when we get home." He said and you sigh a little uneasily. You kind of think you have an idea but you weren't sure. "God no more spoilers please. There could be people tryna listen in." Jake commented and Tom nods. The rest of the morning turned out great, you all talked for a little bit more and soon it was time to leave. Miracle was held by Jake, her little arms wrapped around his neck, trying to give him a hug.

"She has a new favorite now. Great." Tom said and you laugh, "You're always gonna be her favorite shut up." You smile and watch Jake interact with Miracle, making silly faces and widening his eyes and made her burst with giggles. "I should be going, I gotta go see one of my friends for a little birthday thing so I'll catch you guys later?" Jake says and you and Tom nod and Tom reaches for Miracle but she whines as he tries to pry her off of Jake. "It was great seeing you again Jake." You say and he nods, "Same here. And I'll see you soon okay? Uncle Jake has to go now but I'll be back to give you some more hugs okay? And maybe if you behave a surprise." He says and Tom gasps and looks at Miracle. "He's gonna give you a surprise if you be a good girl! I think you should take that offer." Tom says with a smile and Miracle looks between the two and nods, going to Tom.

"Bye Tom, see you Monday." Jake says and smiles at Miracle kissing her head. "Bye precious." He said before leaving to his car. Tom sighed, "First it was Hazoster, Harry, Paddy, Jacob, Zendaya, Chris', and now Jake? Who's heart are you trying to steal?" Tom asked and Miracle's reply was a sigh and fell asleep in Tom's arms before they even got to the car. "She loves you bug boy, calm down." You smile and kiss his cheek. "And I have a surprise for you too." You say and he furrows a brow, "What if we get Jake to babysit Miracle and we can actually start trying again? Or at least having some fun, I miss you." You sigh and he laughed nodding. "Since she's falling asleep and we don't have much time, I think we can settle for something really quick once we get home." He smirks and pecks your lips as you put Miracle in the car seat and you and him start making your way home.

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