acting II

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"daddy wake up! we're gonna be late!" mable said at 8:00 in the morning. you and tom groaned and you nudged him with a smirk, "yeah daddy get up." you said softly and tom sighed in his sleep, rolling his eyes at you, pinching your ass gently making you grin. he turned to his hyper daughter and smiled, "baby we don't leave till 11:00." he said and she groaned, "can't we go out and walk around that area until it's 11:00 or close to 11:00? i'm too excited to stay home." she said and you smiled at mable. "yeah. go on daddy, get up and spend time with mable before her big audition." you said agreeing with your daughter.

mable grinned widely and pulled on your dad's arm. "see? mom agrees! get your butt up & let's go!!" she cheered making you laugh at her words. you watched her run out of your shared room and you sighed smiling, placing your head back on the pillow before meeting tom's glazing brown eyes. "mm, what?" you giggled softly and tom rolled his eyes, gripping your thigh making you wide awake. "don't call me daddy & expect me not to get turned on babe." he said and you widen your eyes before rolling your eyes laughing. "aye, tom. too bad we can't do anything to fix it." you said and he shook his head. "you. me. shower. now." he said kissing your lips before getting up, not even bothering to hide the buldge in his boxers.

you widened your eyes and laughed shaking your head. "yikes tom." you said as he closed the door with a wink. you felt giddy. getting up you went to mable telling her that they'd be in the bathroom and not to bother them till they get out. mable agreed as usual and you zoomed to the bathroom to help tom finish what he decided to start. walking out of the shower an hour later, you bit your lip before shaking your head at tom. "i wish we had mroe time together." you said and tom shrugged. "say.. maybe we call up harrison and taya. they can hopefully take in mable and give mable time with her cousin oakley. what do you think?" you smiled and shook your head. "i think you're too horny." you said and he scoffed, "am not." he said and began changing.

after finishing changing, he walked out of the bathroom and met his daughter eager to get out of the house. you followed them to the door and kissed tom's and mable's cheeks. "so you'll think about it?" tom said and you nod & then shake your head. "you're a charmer thomas." you say and he smiles, pecking your lips before he took off with your daughter to her audition.

soon after a few good hours, mable busted into the front door. "i got the part, i got the part! i get to be a disney star!!" she cheered as she ran in, jumping to your lap. you laughed and hugged your daughter. "i never thought less of you, mable! & are you excited to spend time with your cousin?" you asked and she nodded. "uh huh, i needa go back stat!" she said and you laughed at her happiness and watched her run to her room to pack. tom walked in later after parking the car and he sighed walking over to the couch. "so.. the house to ourselves hm?" he said walking behind the couch and squeezed your shoulders and you sighed. "perfect i must say." you said and kissed his lips. "i'll be here waiting." you said and tom smiled, "in something nice i hope." he winked before leaving to drop off mable & had eagerly made it back home.

sorry this is so rushed !! i'm trying to keep up w my requests & this one was requested for a while so i dedicate this to the person that wanted this one ! sorry it took so long :( 🤍

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