phone stealer

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ophelia was being taken care of by tom today. you were very busy with work and you had to go out and get a friend's baby shower so tom was able to take care of ophelia for a while. tom was laying on the couch, watching a movie and glancing at ophelia every once in a while to make sure she was alright. and what it looked like, she was having the time of her life. she's running around in front of tom in the living room, before throwing herself onto a plush soft beanbag, making tom laugh. he'd take videos of her doing the same thing over and over again because it was the highlight of his life at this moment.

putting the phone down, it struck ophelia's curiosity. she waddled over to the phone and watched as tom picked it up, away from her reach. "you can't play on it right now, look at all the toys you've gotten." tom says pointing over at all the little plushies and electronics she received from her parents and her families as well as their friends. she was absolutely adored by everyone belonging in that family.

she whined and pointed at his phone, "no i want." she whined, trying to climb his lap. tom sighed, putting his phone out of her reach and picked her up. placing her on his lap, he brought the phone back making her smile and giggle. tom smiles and showed the camera, facing it towards them both. he gasped and pointed at the phone smiling, "who's that? ophelia, baby who's that?" he asked her as he pointed at the phone. she stared at the phone and grasped it in her little hands smiling. "daddy!" she giggled and tom smiled taking a picture of the two. he kissed her head and she took his phone and was able to play with it for a while.

tom sat her down on the couch kissing her head, "daddy's gotta go potty okay? stay here please. i'll be out quickly don't worry." he said and kissed her head once more before he left. she watched him walk away, making her giggle because she was able to keep his phone. she swiped on the phone to the video, already learning quickly about this new gadget. she walked around the area a bit and towards the kitchen, humming to herself. she clicked the record button, or the red button to her, and started babbling to herself. she bummed the avengers theme song and walked around the house more and sat herself in the kitchen.

"ophelia??" tom called from his bathroom and it made ophelia gasp. "yeah?" she asked and he walked around trying to find her. she stood up, "do you have my phone?" he asked. "no.." she replied smiling widely as she ran into the living room with the phone. she turned her head and smiled seeing her father step out into the living room. "hey!" he said loudly, laughing as she had ran off, making her laugh too. she ran off for about a minute or two before her dad had swooped her up into his arms. "hey silly goose." he said and ophelia erupted in giggles in his arms. he shook his head at the camera and ended the video.

"you're a funny little girl." he said with a smile and had sent it to you along with a few pictures he had taken of her and him. he then posted it on his instagram story, with the caption "this girly took my phone when i went for a quick wee."

HAHAH i thought that this would be very cute especially bc of that video w that little girl that ran off w the mom's phone & that my friends was my inspiration :))

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