fake airpods

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— y'all i just realized that i may have 100K reads on this omfg thank u guys so MUCH i literally just made this book bc i didn't find anything w tom having a kid & our fav celebs w kids are frikin adorable tysm :) && this is based off my christmas morning when my parents gave me fake airpods :) but i got sum earlier last week

it's christmas morning. not that your oldest daughter katarina was bothered but surely your youngest son was. "momma, daddy it's christmas, wake up!!" ben yelled as he ran into your room. you were already up watching disney+ watching cinderella. you smiled at ben's excitement and tom groaned turning on his stomach and put the pillow on top of his head. "daddy wake up, you can't go to sleep now." ben whined and tom smiled, coming out from under his pillow. "morning bubba, happy christmas." he told ben and ben smiled happily. he climbed out of tom's recent hug & then went to you. "momma, can we open presents now?" ben asked and you sighed, "no bubba, kat's still asleep & probably won't get up till noon." you say and he groans.

he gets up from your shared bed and makes a beeline straight to kat's room. "crap, he's gonna wake up a very angsty teen." tom said sitting up and leaning over to pepper your face with kisses. you hum & gently smile at tom's sweet actions before you gently press a kiss to his lips having him smile sweetly. "can't believe i'm spending christmas with you again & i am incredibly grateful." you say and tom sighs gently. "well you're never gonna spend it alone. not anymore for the next 100 years." he says and kisses you again till you hear ben scream running out of kat's room with an angry teen behind him. you laugh and tom chuckles as well as you both quickly get out of bed to meet the kids at the christmas tree.

you and tom opened presents you both had gotten for each other when kat had just opened her christmas gift gag.
"fake airpods!" she exclaimed and laughed at the gift given to her. "those aren't fake they're real! look take out the airpods." tom said and grabbed his airpods to show that they were 'the same'. katarina laughed at her father and then gasped to open the box and saw the actual airpods. "what the hell?!" she said and smiled at her little brother who was too occupied to see her happiness and played with his christmas toys. kat got up and hugged you both, "thank you so much." she said and you kissed her head, "i know it was hard at school not being able to have them, so merry christmas." you smiled and tom smiled at you then at your daughter. tom leaned over to you and kissed you gently as the kids had gathered their gifts & took them to their room.

"merry christmas baby." he said and you smiled in the kiss, "merry christmas thomas."

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