Fingers and Thumbs

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So i was listening to "hearts don't break around here" and I pictured something cute for tom :) hope you enjoy and sorry for the long wait I hope most of you are enjoying the book

The same night over and over again. You and Tom were having yet another struggle with your daughter Cyrus. It was 1:29 an in the morning and Cyrus had just woken up again for the last few nights since she was now teething.

You groaned as you heard the cries of Cyrus yet again. Of course you expected this when you and Tom decided to have a child. And you both knew it was your turn to go take care of her. You slowly got up out of bed and felt Tom grab your arm softly and went over your shoulder, "I'll bring her here." He said softly before getting up. You sigh and peck his lips before falling back into bed.

As Tom walked to his daughters room, hearing the cries of his daughter he couldn't help but smile. Walking over to the crib, Cyrus' hands were curled into fists and thrashed around in the air  as her feet did the same but kicked the air. Tom pouted at her and reached into the crib and placed her into his arms, "Hey Cyrus, what's wrong babe?" He asked looking down at the distressed child, holding her small hand as he left arm supported her. 

Walking to the dresser, he picked up a pacifier and placed it between her gums. As soon as he placed it there, there was a moment of silence for a second until she spat it out and began crying again. He only knew that he had to put on the gel he was using for her gums to ease the pain. Tom walked out of the room and went to the bathroom where he kept the gum healing gel for Cyrus. He occasionally turned to look down at his child still crying, now getting louder and louder. He winced at a ear piercing wail and quickly uncapped the gel and rubbed it against her gums. Cyrus' cries then slowly calmed down; as she calmed down Tom went back to her room and took out a little stuffed dog while Tessa came jogging in to see if her best friend was alright. 

Tom smiled at Tessa and patted her head, "Your buddy is alright, Tess," Tom told Tessa as Tessa sat down next to him and her as they both sat on the floor

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Tom smiled at Tessa and patted her head, "Your buddy is alright, Tess," Tom told Tessa as Tessa sat down next to him and her as they both sat on the floor. Tessa licked Cyrus' cheek making the baby giggle at her. Tom chuckled at her giggle and watched Tessa and Cyrus carefully. "Decided to stay up?" You asked standing in the doorway as you watched Tess and Cyrus playing softly, Tess giving Cyrus kissed on the cheek as Cyrus bursted in little fits of laughs. Tom nodded and patted a spot by him and did a cheeky smile.

You laughed and walked in, sitting down on the floor with a yawn. Tom smiled at you and wrapped his arms around your shoulder before pulling you into his chest and kissed your head. "Oh we're in love, aren't we?" You sang softly, remembering the lyric from Ed Sheeran, a singer you've been listening to for awhile. You heard Tom chuckle and intertwined your hands together as he went over to grab Cyrus' as she sat close to you both. "Hands in your hair, fingers and thumbs, baby." 

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