The Ignorance II

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Still Tom was the same. The same grumpy man that he was the day after, and after and after. But Lilly still believes that he has love in his heart, even though he was acting like a grinch. You watched your daughter draw very focusedly on a picture next to the tree and fire as you played freeform for the 25 Days of Christmas movies. You didn't say not to draw another, but you encouraged her. Maybe her adorableness will rush off of Tom and somehow turn the Mr. Scrooge into a lover of both his family and Christmas.

Your head turned to the door that had swung open and swung shut as Tom walked in, putting away his had and coat on the coat rack. Lilly took her attention to the door and smiled widely seeing her daddy. She quickly got up with the picture of her, you and of Tom and Tessa. She made her way over to Tom as he had taken off the winter garments and she showed Tom the picture. "Daddy look! It's you and me and Momma and Tess with sweaters with a Christmas tree in the back! Do you like it?" She asked and Tom grumbled, avoiding the girl's gaze.

He made his way to the kitchen, paying no attention to Lilly. As much attention she tried to seek, she grew angry that he didn't notice her and screamed and yelled, "You don't love me anymore! I wish you never came back from you work place! Where you make movies! You stay there and never come back!" She cried making Tom flare his nostrils in anger. You got up quickly to scoop up Lilly or to push Tom away, but Tom had already slapped her cheek. The house grew silent. Dead silent. You placed your hands over your mouth and quickly ran over to shove Tom away. Tom stumbles back but shows no emotion whatsoever. You pick up Lilly and quickly make your way to her room, packing some clothes quickly in a bag. You did the same, running to your room quickly with your daughter in your arms as you quickly packed, hoping he wouldn't touch or come near you.

You make it out of the hosie with the two bags of clothes, and Lilly in your arms. You take the keys out of your pocket and make sure you have your phone and wallet before you buckle up Lilly safely in the backseat. Getting to the drivers seat, you buckle up and get the hell out of there. Suddenly the home that you and Tom both fell in love with is now a home filled with anger and sadness. While you began driving, back at home Tom became a sobbing mess. He cried as he replayed the memory, running to Lilly's room and tugged at his hair in frustration as he knew his baby girl wasn't there playing hide and seek. A sob escaped from his lips as he went back to the living room, seeing a picture drawn for him by his daughter. He smiled gently and laughed quietly at the drawing his daughter had made, "She's so talented." He muttered to himself. He took off to the front door, ignoring the cold nipping at the skin.

Running out the door, he saw the car gone and he let a soft cry escape, whispering to himself how stupid he was for the last few days and a week. Going back inside, he tried to call or contact his wife, but to no avail they didn't answer. His head hung as he looked at the floor and screamed in frustration. "Tom you just lost the best and beautiful things in the world because of your dumbass attitude!!" He yelled at himself and couldn't help but yell and scream more in frustration. It was all he could do at the moment. After about ten minutes of screaming and yelling in frustration out of anger, he laid on the couch, not wanting to go near his bedroom or his daughters room. He had fallen asleep quickly after but was woken up to a call from an unknown number. He picked up his head and grabbed his phone, pressing the green button and placed it to his ear.

"Hello?" He said to the phone and his heart dropped at the words. "Sir, are you Y/N's husband? And do you have about a four year old daughter?" The woman said over the phone and he nodded, "yes, yes, why, what's wrong??" He asked frantically. "They got into a bad accident sir, you're asked to come to the hospital immediately." The woman said and gave the address to Tom. He wrote it down immediately and made his way to the hospital immediately. Running in, he shouted, "I'm Tom Holland, husband of Y/N Holland and father of Lilly Holland where are they??" He asked frantically and the lady at the front desk asked him to calm down. "I cant let you in if you're frantic, I'm afraid." She told him and a nurse came up to him with a small smile.
"Come with me, I was just with your wife." She said with a smile and Tom frantically followed.

"How did they end up here?" Tom asked as he played with his wedding ring. The nurse sighed gently, "they got into a bad car accident and have a quite a lot of stitches," she answered and he nodded, "are they alive?" He asked and the nurse smiled, "thank God they are, it was a horrible car accident. I thought the little one wasn't going to make it, but she's a tough cookie." She told Tom and he smiled gently. "My tough cookie." He muttered with a smile. The nurse led him into a hallway and knocked on the door before entering. "Now, I did hear that you got in a fight with your wife," she told Tom and he frowned as the two had stood at the doorway, "and I told Y/N that if anything happens to call the police, so don't make any mistakes, Mr. Holland." She instructed and Tom nodded. "Yes ma'am." He said gently.

The nurse walked in and immediately the heads of his universe turns to the door. He stood anxiously before walking in, the nurse closing the door behind him and left. You sat with a stern look, but glad he was there with you and Lilly. You sat in a wheelchair; your legs were totally fine, you just had to rest but you insisted on seeing your daughter to make sure she was okay. "What are you doing here?" You asked Tom and Tom fiddled with his ring, something he always did when he got nervous. "I wanna say I'm sorry for what I did. I had no excuse to do what I did and if you will accept me one more time I promise to never do it again, and it shouldn't have even happened in the first place. And if it happens again, which it won't, you can kick me out of your life forever." He told you and you sighed, telling him to sit on the edge of Lilly's hospital bed and you smiled at him, "I guess, but I give you another chance because I love you too goddamn much to lose you. I'd lose myself if I didn't have you beside me." You told him with a smile.

Tom smiles widely and looks over at your daughter, seeing her huff and cross her arms around her chest with a pout sat on her face. She wipes tears that spilled over her chubby cheeks and sniffles. Tom sighed gently and smiles at Lilly, even though she doesn't make eye contact with him, at least she can hear him. "I love the picture you drew for me, Lilly. I promise I'll never hurt you like that again, I'll take you out for ice cream once you're okay to come out of the hospital and I'll let you get any you want. No wait, I'll let you get anything you want. Minimum ten things, alright? It's because I love you so much." Tom said and embraced you carefully.

Once you and Lilly were allowed out of the hospital, Tom held Lilly in his arms, kissing her cheek and head making her giggle. "I will never hurt you again. Daddy's just angry at the world but it doesn't mean that I have to hit you. God, you don't realize how much it hurt me once you both left. I realized that I couldn't live without both of you or else I'd go insane!" He told Lilly and she smiled shyly, "You'd go bananas?" She asked and Tom smiled widely, "Exactly!!" He said and she giggled. You smiled at the two as he walked inside the house after he drove the two of you home. You smiled being home once at last, and forever you hope. You watch Tess run to the doorway excited and happy to see her family once again, happy and proud.

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