I'll Save You

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Today Tom had to go to work, but you also had to go to work and the babysitter was busy. Tom had no problem taking your daughter Sophia with him. Packing a few things for Sophia that day, the little girl ran around the house with Tom's underwear that was luckily brand new, on top of her head. Tom looked up at the girl and widened his eyes and smiled, taking out his phone quickly to capture the moment and recorded it.

"Hey baby girl!" Tom said to Sophia as Sophia turned around and giggled.

"What's on your head?" He asked and followed her around the house, thinking it was a game of tag.

She screamed and laughed running away from Tom. Tom laughed and chased her with the rest of the time he had left on his phone, since he was putting it on his Instagram and other social media sites, he swooped her up in his arms and faces the camera towards them both and kissed her head and chuckled as Sophia cuddled into his neck. The video finished and he set Sophia down and took the underwear off her head. "Okay let's get ready." Tom said and smiled at her Sophia as she ran away into her room. Tom followed her and set her up on the table, changing her into new clothes and a fresh nappy. After finishing it up with a touch of some Spider-Man with the blue Midtown sweatshirt he had custom made for her, he grabbed anything else and took off with them both safely in the car.

Getting to work, Tom parked in his parking space and turned off the car, looking in the mirror and smiled at Sophia as he watched her chest rise and fall as she slept. He got out of the car and opened her side of the car and picked her up after unbuckling her from her car seat and placed her on his hip. He grabbed her things from the trunk and made sure he had his phone and wallet before locking the car. Today he was supposed to do the SPH scene where he gets trapped under the rubble. Hopefully Sophia would be asleep because it was pretty heartbreaking to watch as he had tried it a few times and for him it was overwhelming as well.

Walking into the rv where he could rest a bit, which was really never because, well, he was Spider Man. He placed down Sophia's bag and placed Sophia on a little swing he had gotten for on the go things but decided to keep it in his rv. Placing Sophia in the on the go crib, he sighed and took off his puffy jacket and made his way to the snack bar. Opening a cupboard, a knock came to his door. "Come in." Tom answered softly but loud enough to hear. Laura walked in and smiled, "Hey, they need you to do your makeup." She answered and smiled and Tom nodded in response. "Okay."

Laura nodded and smiled before turning to a sleeping Sophia. She gasped softly and turned to Tom with a big smile "You brought her today!" She said softly and went over to the crib and smiled looking down at her. "She looks just like Y/N and has a bit of you too." She smiled and cleared her throat. "But," she laughed softly, "seriously they need you we're gonna start in like 10 minutes." Laura chuckled as Tom's eyes widens, "Oh shit- take care of her for me really quick please?" He asked and Laura nodded, "Of course."

Tom said thank you and ran out of the trailer, making his way to the makeup trailer. Opening it, he startled Jacob and he laughed. "I thought you were a murderer." Jacob smiled and Tom returned the smile. "No," he said and sat in his seat before being swatted by his makeup artist. He laughed and looked up at her, "Sorry! We didn't have a babysitter and I had to take Sophia so she's in the trailer with Laura." Tom explained and she smiled, "Well I'm glad you didn't leave her with a neighbor." She said and made Tom laugh. He sat still as she did his makeup.

A little while later, he was called in set and got in his place. Sophia started to wake up, and Laura was there to take care of her of course.

Sophia woke up and cried, opening her eyes she saw an unfamiliar face. She hasn't seen Laura in a while, so it scared her. Laura awed and picked her up, "Hey it's okay, Sophia. Look," she said softly and brought out the squishie she had given Sophia whenever she saw her. Sophia immediately remembered her and giggled, the crying stopped. She took the toy while Laura went to handle her needs, such as a diaper change and feeding her.

Sophia looked up at Laura and whines, "Daddy." She cried and looked up at Laura. Laura smiled and picked Sophia up, "I don't think they'd mind a beautiful baby like you around the cast." She smiled and walked out of Tom's trailer.

Making her way to the scene with Sophia, she smiled seeing Jacob and Zendaya. She was quite a quiet girl so there was no problem taking her backstage.

"Action!" The director yelled and it made Sophia's attention snap towards the person under the rubble. She gasped and heard the cries of her father. She got up from her sitting position and waddled over there.

"Daddy I save you!" Sophia yelled as they were recording. Everyone watched the little girl run onto the scene, tons of rubble made it hard for her to get to Tom but it didn't stop him. Tom looked up a bit from where he was under the rubble and gasped.

"Baby girl what are you doing here?" He asked quickly as she crawled over the rubble. He was definitely scared for her safety because the few ridges on the rubble were a bit sharp for her sensitive skin.

"Cut!" The director shouted and watched the scene in front of him as well as the rest of the crew.

"Go back to Laura!" Tom cooed at his daughter from where he was.

Sophie shook her head, "No I save you!" Sophia cried and got closer. She finally made her way to Tom and tried to pry rubble from her dad.

Sophia gave up as she tried to pick up a heavy piece and began to cry. Tom's eyes widened and sighed as he heard his baby's cries.

The make up woman came over and smiled at Sophia, "C'mon babe let's save Peter!" She smiled and took off the rubble. Sophia sniffles and helped with the tiny things. The director and everyone soon got into the act. Once freeing "Peter", everyone cheered.

Sophia clapped and squeals loudly with a smile on her face. Tom looked down at his daughter and shook his head, picking her up in his arms. "Let daddy do his thing. Daddy's alright see? You saved me!" Tom assured his daughter as Sophia wipes her eyes and nodded.

Tom smiled and passed her to Zendaya and gave her a kiss on the cheek before making his way back to the scene and the make up artist.

After finally getting the scene finished, it was finally time to go home. Sophia was tired out by running after Zendaya and playing with Jacob. Once Tom and Sophia had gotten home, you were already there making dinner. Tom carried Sophia in on his hip and smiled seeing you.

"Hey babe." Tom said softly and you looked up with a small smile, "I saw Sophia the Superhero." You smiled and Tom chuckled.

Tom put her to bed and ate dinner with you and ended the day with a bit of a make out session. Both of you were happy that Tom's friends had tired out Sophia. Both of you missed it.

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