Baby? Baby.

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— thank you cinae1 for this request it was real sweet :) i also couldn't think of a title for this so i thought of this instead of giving the whole thing away haha enjoy :))

Jesus, what was she going to tell her parents?! Aggie had sex with her boyfriend a month ago and she hadn't had her period. She figured that she just skipped it because her period was pretty irregular, but a pregnancy test told otherwise. She sat in her bathroom with her mouth covered by her hand as she stared at it. She took multiple ones after telling her boyfriend Kevin and he brought over multiple, even ones that were 99% accurate- which was all the ones that were in sight. He had told Aggie that he'd be at work for the rest of the day but he would make sure to come to her after work, no matter how tired he was.

Aggie picked up her head from her hands and she stared at the pregnancy tests once again. Her heart raced and she immediately got up to throw the tests under the sink in a plastic bag, shoving it all the way in the back underneath the sink. She got up and wiped her eyes before staring at herself in the mirror. Her hair was placed in a messy bun, her stomach was a little bloated but that was only because of the baby growing inside of her. The door rattled making her jump and she sighed to hear your voice.
"Hey, Ags, you alright in there?" You ask and she nods, pulling her oversized hoodie over her, "Yeah, I'm fine! Just got out of the shower, I took a rinse so my hair's not wet." She explains and you reply with an alright, leaving her be. Aggie sighs and makes her way to her room, hearing you and Tom speaking with each other in the front room.

She was going to have to tell them soon, sure Kevin might he killed, but she really needed help. She didnt know how to take care of a baby. Taking care of her baby cousins was easy, but she knew it wouldn't be the exact same. She texted Kevin, letting him know that she was going to tell the both of you, and she was terrified. She ignored his calls and texts of him asking her if she was sure of doing so. She got up and stood in the hallway watching her mom and dad happy together. You had had Aggie when you were a teen. You were an age older though, and Tom was a year younger. You and Tom were so madly in love and Tom was thankfully able to help you out, and you were welcomed into his family with open arms.

Thinking her mom being a teen mom made her feel at ease. She was afraid she would get mad but maybe not. She could be overthinking it all.
"Hey could I talk to you guys?" Aggie said and Tom and you turned heads and nodded, smiling gently. Tom and you sat down on the couch with Aggie and she fiddled with her fingers and rings. "Ags, what's wrong, you okay?" Tom asks and Aggie began to tear up. "I'm fine. I just been needing to tell you guys stuff.." She said and you furrow your eyebrows. "I'm pregnant. I know you both will be mad at me and I totally take the blame for it. Kevin is the father and is going to be with me every step of the way, he promised. I've been pregnant for a month and I'm sorry for letting you guys down, I know you both didn't want me to end up like you guys and-"
"Hey, hey, hey, hey, shh shh. Calm down, Aggie," Tom laughed gently, pulling her into his side since she had sat a little farther away from them. "Why would we hate you for this? We love you no matter what and will support you no matter what. Plus I get to be a young grandma!" You say with a smile and Aggie's saddened tears turn into laughs and of joy. She wiped her eyes and looked at Tom, "And all I'd like to do is talk to Kevin." He said and Aggie rolled her eyes but agreed. "How far along are you?" You asked and Tom smiles gently to learn about his futures grandchild. Aggie bites her lip and smiles gently, "A month.. I'd like to go to an ultrasound soon so I can learn more about the baby if that's okay." She says and you nod, "Of course it's okay! The baby needs to be healthy and so should you." You said and Aggie smiled, happy that her mom and dad had a positive attitude.
"Babe, I'm here, I bought-" Kevin stopped talking when he saw you and Tom and he furrowed his brows, "Why is she crying, what'd y'all say-" Aggie stood up to stand in between her parents and Kevin. "They didn't do anything! I cried only because I'm happy they support me, don't hurt them or I'll literally never see you again." Aggie says and Kevin nods, "Okay, sorry. I just freaked out." He said and Tom nods, "Don't worry, we gotta talk anyway." Tom says and Kevin widens his eyes as he's taken to another room.

You laugh and so does Aggie; seeing her smile about you and Tom being supportive on her teen pregnancy makes you feel pretty happy about yourself. Never could you think of neglecting your daughter for being pregnant. You kissed her head and she gave you a light hug before going to go retrieve her boyfriend from your crazy husband.

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