happy 20's

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"happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear my darling. happy birthday to you." tom sings to you in your ear as you slowly began to wake up. you sigh in your sleep hearing his beautiful voice before waking up smiling. "that was sweet baby, thank you." you say to him and he smiles, pecking your lips sweetly. "of course angel." he says and gets up from bed, stretching before making his way to the bathroom.
you sigh as you rub your eyes to rid of the sleepiness and you sit up against the backboard of the bed. you stretched for the next minute till you decided to get up and meet him in the bathroom. tom was shaving his stubbly face and he smiled as he held the razor in his hand. his bottom half covered in a towel. he took amazingly quick showers. you didn't know how he did it but his quick showers always amazed you; you could never. "what time is ophelia's new year's party?" tom asks as he tries to finish up shaving. you smile after brushing your teeth and finish putting on some skincare items when you kiss his freshly shaven cheek. "not till 4:00 babe. we can go shopping to the small stores that can be open till then." you suggest.

"or we can stay home & cuddle till we're nice & cozy till 3:00." tom suggests kissing your face and you smile. "that works too." you reply and he smiled before kissing your lips gently and gets dressed in a comfy outfit before lifting you off your feet to go rest in the living room. you met tessa and you smiled before frowning. "i wish i could hear little feet running around again." you say and tom smirked gently and pinched the sides of your hips, "that wish can come true." he said and you roll your eyes at his words and blush. tom & you did want more than one child, so maybe you both will work on that. after relaxing for most of the morning, you decided to start getting ready for ophelia's new year's party. your daughter ophelia was a beautiful 20 year old now. she was engaged after two years to her boyfriend benjamin & you & tom love him dearly. tom especially loves him because he, too, is a marvel fan and adores his work as much as tom & his family does.

"where you going?" tom frowned as you had gotten up from cuddling tom on the couch. you sighed, "babe i gotta get dressed & ready. i take longer than you do." you say and he grabs your wrist. "can we do something first?" butterflies erupted in your stomach & you blush sitting back down on the couch. "what can we do first babe? i need to go get dressed before you start whining about how long i'm gonna be taking." you say as an excuse and he sighs, "real quick, y/n?" he says and you roll your eyes before giving in. he leans in & kisses your lips gently before biting your lip and pulled back away from the kiss. you frowned that he pulled away but you knew his trick. he did that same move to keep you from doing what you needed to be doing. & sadly it's never gonna not stop. you huff and seal the kiss again before pulling away, grabbing his shirt in your fist. "is this really how you're gonna get everything from me?" you asked and he hummed in agreement, kissing your lips again before smiling. "it's never not worked, babe." he whispered with a smirked and you roll your eyes before straddling his waist and continued his plans.

once you were finally able to go get dressed you had to grab a quick shower before even getting ready. "fuck you thomas." you said softly as you walked out of the shower & met him in the bathroom. he smiled and shrugged, "i mean.. you did." he said and you laugh at his cocky remark, going to slap his arm and made him laugh. "fuck off. leave i needa get dressed." you said and he turned to walk out, "i mean-" "shut it tom!" you laughed as you closed the door on him and you began getting dressed. you wore a satin shirt dress that fitted your body beautifully. you walked out of the bathroom all glammed up, going to look at some of the heels and some shoes to take once your feet started to hurt. "happy birthday to me, what the fuck!" tom said and you turned startled but then laughed. "it's not your birthday, this morning i swear you sang happy birthday to me." you said and he sighed and shrugged, "can we share?" he asked and he wrapped his arms around your waist kissing your cheek. "you look so beautiful babe." he said & you blushed kissing his lips before getting ready to leave.

. . . . . .

"3.. 2.. 1.. happy new year!!" the family cheered and you kissed tom as tom had pulled you in for a kiss. you sighed gently in the kiss and then went around to give everyone hugs, accompanying them with 'happy new year.' "happy new year baby girl! i love you so much." you said to ophelia and she nodded, "i love you too!" she said and hugged you & kissed your cheek before going to her father. "at least we can tell our little baby that they were conceived on new year's eve." tom said softly in your ear and you laughed shaking your head. "your a hoot tom."

sorry this one was boring ! i am slowly starting to update more :)

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